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January 03, 2006

Once upon a time in Boodom...

Few years back, when we were living in the UK, HD had to go to work on a Saturday to London. We lived an hour from London in a small town. We planned to meet in London in the evening. I decided to do some shopping and left the house in the afternoon. As soon as I closed the front door, I realized I ve left the key inside. I had locked myself out and HD with a spare key was away. He had switched off his mobile as he was in a training all day long. I came out of the shock and proceeded to catch the train. I did nt carry a mobile then. So every hour, I called HDs mobile from the pay phones and his phone was always switched off. Anyway, we had planned to meet at 6 pm at the Waterloo station, so off I went to British Museum to spend some quality time without HD breathing down my neck! (Why men are so interested in visiting museums but not on seeing anything inside actually beats me!)

At 6 pm, we met and I told him how I was stranded in the middle of the street (nadu therula ninnen!) all because he had to work on a Saturday. My strategy of "blame him for everything" worked! (Also we were still in the newly-weds category!) We grabbed some dinner and watched the play, "Mousetrap". It was our first play and we enjoyed it immensely. By the time we came back to the station, it was 11pm. The last train to our place was at 11.30 and since we had 30 mins to spend, we quarreled. Over what, I don’t remember now. (The reasons are always silly the next day!) I stopped talking to him and started walking towards the platform. I thought he was following me and as the train arrived, I climbed in. I took a seat and then realized HD was nt there. I looked out of the window and could nt see him. Since it was the last train, I did nt want to climb out and told myself that HD would climb in too if he had sense. The train started moving and I started to panic. I thought probably HD was sitting in another compartment and walked the entire length of the train amidst drunkards but did nt see him. For the entire hour of the journey, my heart was beating faster and I did nt know what to do. I got down at my stop and walked home only to find that I did nt ve the key. Hd had it. It was almost 1 am and cold and I sat on the door step. I was too embarrassed and ashamed to call any of our friends and it was late in the night anyway! After a while, I heard the phone ringing inside and knew it was HD calling. Probably he forgot that I did nt ve the key. I called him from a nearby phone booth but the mobile was still switched off. So I just sat and waited near the front door. At 3.00 am, a taxi stopped in front and HD got down. I got up. He completely ignored me, opened the door with his key, and went inside to get some money to pay off the taxi. He came in after paying and asked me, "Are you alright?" I said, "You came by taxi? How much?" He gave me an unbelievable look, took my bag and opened it. The switched off mobile phone was in my bag all this time! More trouble at Boodom! "Why did nt you get inside the train? You knew it was the last train, right?” I asked. "I was looking for you. I did nt see you climb in and thought you were standing somewhere else. If you were on the train, good. But if you were on the station, and I took the train, it was unimaginable. That’s why I did nt take the train", said He. Oh, he had sense alright! I tried to say Sorry but it sounded lame. We went to sleep.

I am still paying him off the taxi debt.


Anonymous said...

"My strategy of "blame him for everything" worked!" - Hee Hee my respect for you has grown multifolds now. Guruve, there is so much to learn from you :)

anantha said...

Bah... women! :P

Why men are so interested in visiting museums but not on seeing anything inside actually beats me!

I dunno much about all this, some of my more experienced compatriots would call probably it "love". And when it is a "all-guys" group, we actually see things in the museum.

Anonymous said...

you have a wonderful hubby, Boo!


B o o said...

Lakshmi - that was nt the intention of my post! Now, where did I screw up?!!

anti - Oh I see!! ;)

WA - calling me guru and all that. chee chee! :)

Anonymous said...

Your Blogs are quite interesting...Some of the articles definitely need a coverage in "Desperate house wives"


Anonymous said...

anti, velamenakettu I responded to you in Boo's road trip post. You just ignored it :(! :P

anantha said...

WA: Go see the post now.. amam.. oru pathu post munnadi edho post la comment kku reply pannala nu sollaradhu.. remba over...:p

Boo: Ya.. we know our priorities quite well, single or otherwise ;)
We know what will make our lives easier. It is an in-built mechanism in the best of guys. :D

Anonymous said...

you sound just like me..except I would have blamed him for the phone being inside my bag too.

B o o said...

Sonik- I take that as a compliment but did U read my post on housewives?? ;)

anti, probably you should start a brand new blog about ur single status and us women can come and freely pull your legs and leave comments! ;)

Alpha, did nt want to awaken the "mirugam" in HD!! :)

cvraman said...

First time here nice blog...I really liked "Then : Swiss Now : Bangalore, India " part, might be I will also copy this style, Can I?

Anonymous said...

YA i read that article too..
My message was a complement only. Coz you have plenty of scripts for them...And they are very interesting too...Keep on this pace.

B o o said...

cvraman(or should I say 'Sir'?) - of course you can. Thats not copyrighted and I cant ask for a link, can I?? ;)

Sonik - I know. Was jus kidding. And thanks for the compliments. I am honored! :)

WA - probably you should take up the chat to antis blog. Otherwise you have to keep reminding him that you have left a comment! Or probably hes just hinting us to quit! :)

anantha said...

WA: Parunga, Boo's just silently asking us to "get out"!

Boo: Brand new blog about my single status? What do you think the older one is for? ;)

B o o said...

anti - Gosh! Why would you say such a thing like that? I am hurt! :(

Now that you have cleared up things for me, I would nt get out of your comment box even if you beg me to! Ha ha ha! *evil laughter*

anumita said...

Neat blog. Been reading up your archives for quite some time now!

Premalatha said...

wasn't this an episode (one of the several episodes) from my life? how did you know?


Savani said...

oh! what a lovely narration.. that must have been something.. sitting on your doorstop in the middle of the night! wow.

Maggie said...

That's some story! I'm impressed that you managed to stay calm through all that. I would've so freaked out!

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