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January 12, 2006

Time to pack my bags.

I am going to Chennai tonight and then to Bangalore from there on Sunday. Almost 3 weeks of "sitting on my bum" blog hopping and watching TV has come to an end. Today I woke up and remembered I have a daughter to take care of and a husband who still believes I ll take care of him! So Auf Wiedersehen. Let me go and pretend to be a good girl for 3 days in Chennai(In-laws, you see!) and then do the "sitting on my bum" blog hopping and watching TV while taking care of my daughter and husband bit in Bangalore! :)

Wishing you a happy and prosperous Thiruvadharai, Boghi, Pongal, Kaanum Pongal, Maattu Pongal and Thiruvalluvar's day! (Wherever applicable!)


Jagan said...

have fun machi :)..happy pongal ..

Anonymous said...

Have fun & Good Luck with being a good girl bit for the next three days :)

Anonymous said...

Neenga naLLa cook pannuveengaLa Boo?

Bangalore vandha appuram engaLa vootande invite pannunga :-D

Happy pongal :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy pongal to you too Boo!
Looking forward to hearing from you from namma bengalooru! :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy pongal to you and all your family members.

Archana said...

Happy Pongal :-)! Ashu's first pongal, right? Have fun :-)!

B o o said...

Thank you guys and I hope you all had a good time too! :)

Ferrari - anytime! :)

baby growth
