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January 10, 2006

These are the few of my favourite things. (With a twist!)

No. This is not a mushy mushy post with a list of things that make me happy. In real world, things don’t happen that way. So here goes my list of favourite things with a not-so-favourite twist.

~> Eating hot Pakoras with a loved one on a rainy day when I have to make the Pakoras!

~> Cuddling up on the couch with my hubby watching a favourite movie when I hear snoring!

~> Kissing the baby on the tummy and smelling her sweet smell, when she farts!

~> Winning a heated argument and then having to eat my own words.

~> Coming back from a long vacation to home sweet home and having to cook with a dead tongue!

~> Listening to a favourite song for months and then seeing SJ Suryah dance (!) to it.

~> Making perfect round chapathis and having to serve them to HD to show off and keeping rectangle shaped ones for me.

~> Buying hot peanuts from the street vendor and eating them out of the paper cone. And the last peanut I put into my mouth is rotten!

~> One of the rare times HD and I get time to play a board game and HE wins!

~> Getting fabulous ideas to blog about just before I go to sleep and completely forgetting them the next day.

~> Laughing out loud at "Everybody loves Raymond" Ray do something stupid and then Bam! it happens to you and is not funny anymore!

~> When some loved one and I think exactly the same thing and s/he says it aloud first and all I can say is "damn. I thought exactly the same thing" while s/he gives me a knowing look! (I swear I did!)

~> When someone pick a quarrel with me and I think of a fantastic, irrefutable rebuff but like clockwork it always comes to me exactly 24 hours later!

~> Getting my hair cut, eyebrows trimmed, hands waxed, manicure and a pedicure and walking like a Miss. World back home when HD asks, "Too crowded? You did nt get an appointment?"

~> Writing what I think is the best of my posts and then having no comments! :)


Anonymous said...

Naan comment panniten :-D

Anonymous said...

HaHa couldn't' stop laughing at the last but one, 'couldn't get an appointment?' remark. Very funny Boo.

Anonymous said...

Definitely ur best one so far! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Real cool one.. Way to go gal !!

Anonymous said...


B o o said...

WA - Yes, it happened to me. Me no kidding!

Fountainhead - I am a genius. I found out who you are. Me is glowing!!! :)))

Anon - Thanks. (R u the "Koovampatti" person I think you are?! Let me see if my flook guesses works with anons too!)

alpha & F e r r a r i - If I knew the last line is going to charm you guys, I would nt have wasted my time thinking about the other 14 things in my list. :))

Raju said...

my first time here..

LOL on ur favs and twists.. Happens... happens.. happens all the time..

U know.. I too love the 'Boo' character from M Inc. so much.. soo cute..

Sumitha said...

Each and every one of them was so good!LOL

Sandhya said...

Wow...Boo..this was just xcellent...i cant stop laughing...!

Priya Mohan said...

peanuts -rotten one at the last, round chapathis, hiding squares and god.. you speak everyone's mind!..lovely post!

baby growth
