We have now entered the grand era of doing everything on our own! But theres a mix up between "you" and "I". She says "You do it" which actually means "I ll do it." The first couple of times when she said "You do it" and we did it, she screamed and did it herself. Now when we tell her - Its not "You do it" Ashu. Its "I ll do it" - she thinks we want to do it and screams again!
Yesterday we were playing with the Play-Doh and I made a tortoise. I mean, I tried. Ashu sees the finished product but does nt have a clue what it is. So I giver her a hint and then declare "Its a tortoise Ashu" and she goes "No Amma. That's a Snail!" My baby girl knows SNAIL? How?
These days, when she says "sorry", I MUST say "its ok" or else she ll keep on saying sorry and it will get louder and louder and then her voice will break and she ll start crying. Sometimes she herself will mutter a "its ok" after a sorry and move on. At other times she ll NEVER say sorry when the occasion demands it and after a double time out, she ll mutter a sorry and would nt care if its accepted or not! The bigger the mischief, the tougher it is to get a sorry out of her. For example, if "I" bump into her, she ll say sorry immediately. But if "she" throws the remote at me and it gets me on my nose and I see stars, she ll NOT say sorry until I order her to.
This weekend we had guests over for dinner and Ashu had fun playing with 2 kids. She shared her toys, played with them and there was no violence whatsoever. Just when I was relaxing, I saw Ashu climb on our bed and saying "Ashu bed this. No!" to the other little girl. Where do kids learn these? And it was nt even her bed! I mean how do they associate that this is "our" house and "our" bed. Because according to her something is either hers or others. She always says Amma appa bed and Ashu bed or Amma laptop, Appa phone, Ashu dress, etc... But in front of a guest, Amma appa bed has become "Ashu" bed! Such a brat!