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March 21, 2006

'Prick'ly heat.

Ashu had some rashes on her back and shoulder last week. It looked like prickly heat. But on Sunday HD noticed it was getting bad and Ashu started to scratch. Since our paediatrician was out of town and being a Sunday, we took her to a nearby hospital. There were no paediatricians available but the nurse told us that the duty doctor can check her. We were unsure but did nt want to take any chance as the rash might be because of some allergy. So we went to see the duty doctor. He was a young chap. He examined Ashu's back and asked us if she wore any new dress or did she sweat a lot recently? It was No to both the questions. He said its prickly heat, nothing to worry about and prescribed a medicine. He said it was for allergy. HD told him Ashu is 10 months old and asked him if the medicine and dosage are ok for her age. The doctor thought for 2 seconds and told its ok. We left after paying the fee. HD and I were really shocked that he did nt even ask how old Ashu was, let alone the other details. I told HD that I am not planning to buy the medicine he prescribed for her. Let's check with our Doctor later, HD said. On our way back home, I went to a Pharmacy for buying Formula for Ashu and showed them the prescription the Doctor had given earlier. The salesman said that it was a cold medicine for kids! Go figure!


Anonymous said...

Scary stuff

Jagan said...

namma oorle neraya poli doctors irrukiranga neraya peru buy medical seats ..they dont get ther on merits ..did i succeed in scaring u ?

Premalatha said...

keep a book about baby's health and related medicines at home, atleasto check what the doctors are giving. (do you want one from UK? just give me shout)

B o o said...

WA - It was nt that scary this time. But it could be! Thats the scary part!

Jagan - Yes you did. I knew I cud always trust you on this! ;)

Premalatha - Thanks for the offer. I do have a book and its my bible! :) But the regular Paedetrician is pretty good. I think its more to do with trust and confidence with the Doctor than the prescription!

Premalatha said...
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Premalatha said...

I think its more to do with trust and confidence with the Doctor than the prescription

I agree. I used to be very skeptical about all Doctors in general until I came to UK. many do not like it here, because they (doctors in UK) go by text book and are very slow, but I find it more reliable which in my opinion weighs high.

Anonymous said...

scary !!!
sometimes doctors blame us for over reacting
We were p***d off when our second daughter had very high temperature continuosly for 4 days and gp asked us to continue calpol over phone.

B o o said...

Its really a tricky situation. Some Doctors are nice but they have their own methods of treatments. Some dont even smile but if the patient(especially a baby!) is happy, I feel that is all we want! But one thing I have noticed, the doctors here dont consult with you on anything, do not explain about the medicines and feel that we dont trust them if we ask any questions. Thats where the attitude matters. Like I said, very tricky! Especially when you have visit the Paed every month!

Deepti Ravi said...

Duty doctors are mostly a pretty wacko lot, for kids or not !!! A couple of years back.. when my hand was infected.. this doc jus prescribed a couple of medicines and sent me off.. I had to come back two days later when my hand was completely swollen ..fingers to shoulder and another doctor who examined my infection .. was like oh my!! Why haven't you met a doctor all these days.. it needed to have been operated on a week back!~! Go figure!~!!!

Premalatha said...

Also, it depends on each individual (the doctors). Once I went to see a GP (doctor) for my stomach pain. he started asking questions, which conveyed me that he was suspecting simple acidity. I told him that I know about acidity, I have been through that a lot when I was diagnosed and treated for ulcer.. Now (then) I still have some heartburn, for which I am still taking prescribed medicine (ranitidine).. This is a different type of pain...blah blah.. I was getting it regularly which is why I was reporting.. After a big intro about my history from me, he wrote a prescription for gaviscon liquid! (he was not my regular GP).

kuttichuvaru said...

tats bad!! poli doctors down down...

btw, howz Ashu's rashes now??

ashok said...


B o o said...

I think everyone will have some scary stories to tell when it comes to Doctors. I was in a hospital for 22 days and it deserves a post. Someday! :)

kutti - We went to our regular doctor the next day and she confirmed it was prickly heat, gave a lotion and said "its summer!!"

Anonymous said...

I am a paediatrician here in UK. its intersting to note the comments. i would not show my child to a duty doctors as most of them dont have enough knowledge abt children( i make it a practise not to treat my children).
Its right that doctors have a ttitude problems when parents ask questions
I usually explain also about the danger signs to look forward to in ant illness if I am sending some one home
but the last one is very dificult in Indian context

Anonymous said...

hey guys
my babies' (plural intended) doc also prescribed cough syrup for allergic reaction. i never went thru the label before administering the syrup to them. later while cataloging the left over medications in my med cabinet, I freaked when I noticed the labels!! may be teh cough syrup is broad spectrum.. hav reached your blog a little late in the day but it definitely reminds me to check with the doc on the logic of cough syrup for allergy

Anonymous said...

wow cant believe we lived through the exact same thing with our Divya - Rash - medicine - dosage doubt ...
Common in this 10 months-11months stage haan? We were also told about new dress and all ... She still gets it occasionally!

Yes we also never use the medicine mostly! :)

baby growth
