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March 04, 2006


Do you live in Bangalore? Can’t walk in the side of the road peacefully? Does a car sneak near to you and then honk and scares the bejeezes out of you? You can’t seem to overtake a very slow moving car in the middle of the road? Beware people! Your friendly neighborhood blogger Boo is taking driving lessons! Hoshiyaar!!

It’s not like I can’t drive. I can. I have a driving license. Ok, lemme rephrase that. I have a driving license. It’s not like I can drive. I can’t. Six years back when I was still in college, I took driving lessons for a month, took a test, passed and got myself a driving license. I was confident but my dad would never let me drive on my own. He borrowed our friend’s driver and their second hand dabba Maruthi car and let me drive it in the evenings. I got really upset. One evening, without telling anyone, I stole the key and the car and went out on my own. At home, when my dad could nt find me, he thought I have eloped with someone and sighed with relief that he did nt have to spend his entire life savings on another daughters wedding. But when he realized that the car was also gone, that’s when he panicked. He sent 4 people on my search and he stayed home and called the police about a stolen car. Unaware, I drove 10 kms to my college, picked up my friend from the hostel, continued the road trip with her for another 5 kms, took an U turn, dropped her and was coming back home with a BIG grin in my face when the car comes to an abrupt halt. I somehow manage to get to the side of the road and wondering what happened when 2 of the 4 men in search of me find me. They find out that the car is out of petrol and go to a gas station, buy petrol in a can and fill up the car. I drive home. My dad comes rushing out of the house and inspects the car! Takes the key from me and that was the last day I drove a car. It happened 6 years ago.

I don’t know what happened to that girl. It’s not like you can forget cycling. So how is that I forgot to drive? Steering is fine but the footwork is just horrible. I wanted to dig the BTM side roads a little deeper and bury myself. I slammed on the brakes so often that after an hour I had not moved a foot. I was honked at signals so much that the noise pollution level increased a record level yesterday. I have been a passenger seat driver for almost 20 years now. So suddenly being in the driver seat did nt feel so good. I can criticize movies nicely but that does nt mean I can direct a movie, right? Anyway, the second class today was nt so bad. I hope the instructor thought the same too! But just incase you are talking a walk in the wee hours of the morning in BTM, watch out for me!

ps. the DUI on the title is Driving Under an Instructor!


Jagan said...

ayyo ayyo..pakathu area va ninga ? me terrorised ppl in koramangala for sometime :-) .

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha wonderful writing Boo, and I am thankful I don't live in Bangalore :D Have fun

cvraman said...

Oh my god I will not come out of the house for shoppingby walk or by bike as I live in the same area, One advice please check the gas level before taking it out ;-)

twip said...

first time here....
I think you should have stolen the keys from your dad, and you should have continued driving on the sly:D.
Thats what I did, when my dad banned me from driving the scooter when I was in the 7th std after I crashed it.
I just kept on driving whenever I got the chance, but my mom was my accomplice though:).
BTW great writing:)

Anonymous said...

hey boo..ennannalam pannirkeenga unga younger ages la...and you describe it so hilariously!!!!!!! :-))

Me too planning to take driving lessons next month...but dont worry,i am in Jakkur...other end of B'lore!! :-)

Deepti Ravi said...

:) lol!! Considering the fact that i stay pretty near you.. I think i'll jus' stay off the roads henceforth ;) lovely post!!!! :)

Viji said...

oh-oh. Idhuvum ennoda area dhan, what a coincidence!
Viji demands a post on KMU... :)

B o o said...

Jagan, Raman, Deepti, Viji - How come everyone seem to be in the same area I am driving? Some conspiracy, I am sure! :)

WA - Dont think for a minute that you are safe. You never know when I ll pack my bags and come there too!

Megha - Thanks for dropping by. I did nt get the oppurtunity to be sneaky anymore as I got married very soon after that episode, did nt know my FIL that well then to sneak out with his car keys(!), moved out of the country, etc..! I am back in the game only now! :)

Viji - Seegrame KMU post praapthirasthu. I hope I get a light bulb glow somehere in my brain soon on Kumbakonam!

The Visitor said...

Boo - I too live near your area! I hope your driving lessons are over or else you'll find one day that your PRO service is down.

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