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March 13, 2006

Officially changed from today...

When I was in my teens, I used to wonder why film actresses were hiding their age and why it was said that women should nt be asked their age. I was proud to say I was 16 or 17 or 18. And I thought it would never change. Puhleese, I am not that silly! I am 78 born and in my school and college, I was always the youngest or at least the same age as everyone. We will only ask the month our classmates were born and if someone was born in 77, they were considered old! (You know? She’s 77! Probably failed in 5th standard! ha ha ha!) Since I got married when I was 22, I was pretty much the youngest among the couple friends too. Then a couple of years back when we were living in the UK, we made new friends and were getting to know them. As usual birthdays were asked around and A says she was 83 born (or was it 84?). And I was like "WHAT?" The last time I checked, kids born in the 80s were still in schools! That’s precisely when I started feeling old. Very old. I have cousins who were born in the 80s and are still babies to me for Gods sakes! As if this is nt enough, 90s born are already out of school and in college doing PUC here. Are nt they supposed to be still in diapers or something? 70s were cool, 60s were old and 50s were ancient. But now? I AM ANCIENT!? Oh no! I was looking forward to my birthdays until I was 25. After that, it has been a downhill for the past 2 years. I don’t want to grow old. No thanks. So I have decided I am NOT going to turn 28 today. Instead I will be 18. (Is there some place you can change your birthday just like you change the name?) Got married at 16, had Ashu at 17 and today I am 18. Yippeee! I might look 10 years older but then I looked like 23 when I was actually 13. So it does nt matter. What matters is I am 18! Today! Because I say so and it's my birthday(today if you did nt get the point of this post by now!) and I can get whatever I want today. Double Yippeee!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Boo!
I am 79 born..and me too started feeling old these last couple of years...

Anyways hope you have a lovely day and get something special from HD!:-)
Take care and have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ashu's mom!!! :-)

Viji said...

Happy Birthday, Boo! :)

Jagan said...

appy bday grandma ;-)...seri tension . eat halwa on my behalf ...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Boo. Just wait till little Boo is ready to talk and ask you questions like if there was TV around in your days etc :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Boo :-)
To make you feel better. Am 76 born :-) There are many people older than you ;-)

Alpha said...

happy birthday boo, thanks for being around.

Anonymous said...

Many more happy return of the day!


Archana said...

Happy Birthday, girl! Guess what, I share your birth date...:-D. I turned 26 today and have decided to remain 25 for the next few!

twip said...

hey happy 15th birthday Boo, or is it 18th?:P
Have a rocking Bday!!

Mad said...

I am an infant (81 born). So even that fact that I can spell Happy Birthday makes me a boy wonder :-P

You are one of the inspirations for me to keep writing

Vincent said...
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Vincent said...

You know, like if we studied in the same school and if you were like in the 9th standard then I'd be in the 6th standard.
You're not that old !

Happy Birthday! :)

Stone said...

Happy B'day :-)

B o o said...

Thank you for all your wishes people (except Jagan, WA and Vince!) It meant a lot to me!

Jagan, WA and Vince - THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *Did the sarcasm come through?*

baby growth
