. A baby bath tub that the baby has outgrown and which is used as a laundry basket now.
. A very, very unwilling toddler who can be bribed with a biscuit to participate in the project.
. A pair of wooden salad spoons .
. An Ashu, of course.
Merrily sing "Row row row your boat" and then seeing Amma clicking with a camera, SCREAM LOUDLY and scare the bejeezus out of your baby sister because duh! Amma is the alligator!
Approximate Time passed - 20 minutes.
Seriously. Ashu said "biscuit venumaa? indha" to Antu and dropped the biscuit in the tub and when Antu went to pick it, she pushed her into the "boat" and took off!! It was like seeing the kidnapping scene in "Babys day out"! ;) I think its time to lecture Antu about strangers and biscuits. Or in her case, her very own sister!
LOL at the kidnapping :)
Looks like this is a nice trick to get the kids occupied for a while. Shud try on mine.
So Cute!
:-) So cute!
very very sweet. what creativity. :)
LOL Very cute. I rofl all the time at home about how the older one slyly gets the younger one to do her thing. Younger one resists sometimes and all hell breaks loose:)
Nice one! Reminds me of the time me and my sis used to do stuff like this. Sniff Sniff!!
Loved this. How they know how to get their stuff done and we fail.
LOL!!! So funny Boo :D Yeah - high time you warned Ashu about strangers and biscuits :) But I have a feeling that she is so intuitive about these things - no?
I can totally picture the biscuit bribe :)
Biscuit Trick is cute as long it is just Ashu :) Boo don't try it yourself when Antu is in tantrum mode. It won't work.
Hahahha..very cute ..especially loved the PS of the post
They both have pretty curly hair,is that from you??
Na zurich vandhirukkalaam.. Ippo london la kuppai kottaren.
hahahahahah :) This girl rocks big time :)
What I noticed is, the floor is SO clean! any pic I click at home, shows what a war-zone would look like!
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