Diwali came and went. Halloween came and went. It has been non stop partying since last week! Ever since I became the member of PA in Ashus school, life has been so hectic! Hd is wondering why I dont get paid for the amount of work I do and most importantly, will the school pay gas money?! My partner and I organized the Trunk or Treat event for the school last evening and it was a blast! Around 60 cars in the school parking lot, each trunk decorated so spookily and at least 50 more families walked in with kids to trick or treat from car to car! Does nt it sound like fun? The weather was perfect and Ashu was so excited since it was her first time trick or treating! She was dressed as a witch, a costume borrowed from my friends daughter! Yes, Im cheap like that! I did nt dress up but loads of parents did and this one couple looked so cute dressed up as ketchup and mustard bottles and I heard the guy telling someone "my wife left me for a hot dog!" So funny! Though I could have told people I was dressed like a janitor for the amount of cleaning up I was doing there! And regulating traffic and taking umpteen kids to the bathroom because the key was with me! Though I did add a touch of halloween by wearing the below ear rings! My mom bought it for me from the US last year. Is n she cute?

And below is Ashu in her witchy self with her candy loot!

And the jack o lantern Hd carved this year. The man is improving, huh?
wow to the earring and carving and ... a big WOW to the trunk party ... I am still thinking if I should buy a pumpkin on my way back home - its 4pm already! :) ...
Happy Halloween
earrings with your name on it...you are maha famous boo...:)
btw without reading the post i thought YY bought those...
btw antu pathi update onnum illa...enna costume for antu?
@Me, thanks for thinking of me. I financed the ear ring. ;-)
M - Yes do buy and make puli kuzhambu with it! Yum! :)
Me - At this rate, YY will leave all "veedu, sothu,pathu", etc... in your name! So konjam adakki vaasinga! I have 2 ponnunga counting on it! ;) Ashu kke first time trick or treat. what avasaram for antu? she was home with appa! she does nt need a costume to be a witch! :D
YY - pochu daa! He is already in your will, is nt he?!!! *glares at Me*
Awesome earrings Boo! Love Ashu's Halloween customer, did you dress up Antu as well? Sumedha insisted on going as a fairy after seeing all the girls dressed up as fairies in the Halloween day in school the previous day. Peer pressure I tell you!!
Boo: LOL! your comment made my day...no wait...made my week! you are very funny boo...:)
wow pulikulambu and pumpkin koottu ... grand idea - should treat myself this weekend ... daya loves pumpkin too! :)
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