Breast feeding was a huge struggle with Ashu. Being new at it, I totally blamed myself. But with Antu, things were so easy that I could nt believe it. Only then did I realize that it was nt my fault the first time and Ashu was just a lazy bum baby who thought it was too much trouble to drink from the breast and bottle was so much easier.
Ashu was and still is a fussy eater. When she was under 1, she preferred Cerelac to Kanji. Ate only bananas and apples. Would nt even taste biscuits, cereals, rusk, ...Survived mostly with milk. Antu can chomp off your thumb and eat it if you hold it near her long enough. As yet.
Ashu went from breast to bottle to sippy cup to regular cup like a text book child. Antu is still swatting away the sippy cup filled with water. Im wondering how shes going to drink cows milk when she turns one. (any ideas?)
Ashu was and still is a fussy eater. When she was under 1, she preferred Cerelac to Kanji. Ate only bananas and apples. Would nt even taste biscuits, cereals, rusk, ...Survived mostly with milk. Antu can chomp off your thumb and eat it if you hold it near her long enough. As yet.
Ashu went from breast to bottle to sippy cup to regular cup like a text book child. Antu is still swatting away the sippy cup filled with water. Im wondering how shes going to drink cows milk when she turns one. (any ideas?)

Even by 6 to 7 months, Ashu used to stop in her tracks when I said a stern NO. An aunt of mine has nt stopped telling about it to anyone who would listen how she listened to me even long after Ashu has stopped doing that!! Antu took her time but shes getting there. Today I yelled NO ANTU from the kitchen when I heard her crawling towards the bathroom. A minute later, I walked there to see that she was quietly sitting outside the bathroom wondering whether to go in or not. Now I can sleep in peace knowing that my dad will be cursing me for being a tyrant to both the kids not just his favorite! ;)

Ashu loved sleeping in her tummy. On our shoulders. And never learned to sleep on her own until recently. Antu is a pro. She never bends her back nor puts her head on our shoulder but sleeps on her back and goes to sleep on her own.

Ashu was very patient. Even when she was hungry, she used to wait without crying until I made her bottle or mixed up her cereal. Antu is a different story. Even when I lag a second or two between spoons, she lets out a growl!
Stranger anxiety just about set on Ashu around this time and even when she used to let a stranger carry her, she used to keep an eye on me. Antu happily goes to anyone and does nt even realize if I leave her and go!
By this age, Ashu already had a favorite book, favorite toy, favorite place, etc... Antu does nt believe in material things as yet.

By 10 months, Ashu had a couple of teeth. No sign of anything as yet in Antu. We ve been telling like puli varudhu puli varudhu for the past 6 months, "may be shes teething" even when she farts loudly!! But zip!
Ashu stood on her own without support around 10 months and walked just before her frst birthday. She cruised like a pro even before. Antu is just about learning to cruise and standing without support for 2 seconds.
With Ashu - I could nt wait to see whats next and was always in a hurry to see her grow up. Still am. But with Antu - I want her to take her own sweet time to do everything and actually want time to go slow. Also because I know whats coming. *shudders*

Antu is 11 months old today. One WHOLE year next month. Sigh!
Ashu is 4 years 1 month old today. Wheres my little baby?
Ashu is 4 years 1 month old today. Wheres my little baby?
I didnt read your post.
The kids are damn cutee :)
i love the apple and the orange
u actually preserved some of those clothes fo ashus- wow!!
u knew didnt you that u would have a girl and soon?
Hi Boo
Really cute post!!:)
The pics were also too cute...
I wonder how u remember so many intricate details!
Praveen - :)
Art - Remember how I was never going to have a second one? ;) I saved only very few of Ashus just for Senti sake. The white frock has been doing the rounds in my family. From Ashu to a niece and now back to antu! :)
Very very cute post.
So nice of you preserve those clothes of antu.
sweet ashu and antu very nice photos
I like this post idea. I am going in plagiarise it in a couple of years from now :)
Phew! I hope my experience with breastfeeding is easier the second time around . Because a second round of what Ayaan put me through might just kill me...too
how did you sift thru thousands of pics to find the matchy-matchy ones? they look so alike in some and so different in others, but v cute in all.
also impressed that you can stop the little daredevil with a "No" :)
omg this is such an adorable post...
pretty cool that you came up with identical pictures of the two kids. They look adorable :)
after seeing all these photos, I infer that Ashu is Boo and Antu is Mr. Boo! is it?:)
and that Mohawk on Antu? uber cute :)
*kala tikka*
This is such a sweet post! Loved the snaps with Ashu and Antu in identital outfits, esp the pattu pavadai snaps :) Two unique personalities they have!
Really cute post....great job and trying to get the same poses and same/similar outfits. Loove it!!
Your daughters are lovely...chutthi podungo:))
hey Boo .... I was wondering if I should do this comparison post ... bang I see your post.
Guess what all that Ashu is / was ... thats Junior for you. Antu shows the same traits as Cantaloupe.
I will consider my post done, substituting your girls with mine :))
But the last paragraph of the post is so true ... we've always wanted to see "The Next step" of Cantaloupe.. and she was quick to show us her next .... but with Junior, we are so relaxed .. and she doesn't disappoint us either ... she takes her own sweet time to show us her next move :)
So cute!
like like same same ...
romba cute :)
Hi Boo,
thats a cute comparison...nice to see them wearing the same clothes...Antu is so much like my son, Jay.
Perfect post. Very adorable comparisions. I guess most of Antu's characteristics are of a second born. Especially I do have a fussy eater in Rh and there is Ro who will eat anything I give as long as I take it near him.
I love that you have photographed them in identical outfits. I loved the white angel frock and Pattu pavadai. Also their bathtub one.....actually I loved them all.
I still have Rhea's clothes for sentimental sake. I probably might make a baby quilt out of it. That is someday...not now :)
Boo boo!Tell us who Ashu and Antu take after look wise?Who takes after you and who takes after your HD? Whoever they've taken after, they both looks absolutely edible!
And LOL at the puli varudhu puli varudhu bit.Do you want her to get all her teeth and start biting your thumb off you? :P
Very high on the cuto meter. Bokkai vaai Antu is precious...enjoy maadi as long as it lasts. Btw,Ashu didnt have curls as a baby ? When did those lovely locks set in ?
Ashu more like appa, and Antu like Amma :-)
couldnt help but comment (visit almost every day to see if you have done a post).. ur daughters are damn cute, u write really well and this post takes the cake..
ooooooooh I loved the last pic..both are beauts Boo!
Super cute Boo!
@YY : Ohh apppdi! ;)
Lovely post, the pictures are a treat! You're a well organized momma. You know what? Ashu looks like those Matryoshka dolls, just bigger and bigger but with the same face that she has now. Antu on the other hand looks more babyish, I think her looks might change as she grows up.
Some of what you said reg Ashu vs Antu had me nodding along as D vs N
So cute. A good title for the post... And good photo-info combi for safekeeping.
Hi Boo,
ashu and antu look so lovely...
Happy 11 months darling babe, and yeah, your mom soo needs someone to boss her around a bit. Your big sister is too nice to her! :-p
But Boo, you think all the shower babies have something strange connection that makes them so alike? I just read Plane's 11 month post, and between that and your points on Antu, all the points I mentioned on Munch's 11 month post are covered! :-)
What a lovely post! Really enjoyed reading it.
Ashu more like appa, and Antu like Amma :-)appana Boo has mohawk too?
You know, Boo, when I read your blog I begin to wish I had one more daughter, just for the fun of raising two girls. Great post!
I think Antu looks more like you, but both girls' smiles are identical.
BTW, loved the pictures.
What a cute post, Booie. Loved the Ashu and Antu stories and the pocs. Both are such cuties :)
Such fun this post was. And such delectable pictures of these 2 ADORABLE darlings! Boo, you're always such a smile to read!
Damn Boo. Just when the girls got me thinking I don't want no second, you're making me re-think.
awwwwwww!! loved reading 9ahem!) the post and the pictures obviously!
this is brilliant stuff Boo! :)
How time flies! A year ago by this time you musta been yelling - get this outa of me!!!I'm like you - want Bojjandi to take his own seet time...
Such lovely girls. Enjoy the differences:)
nice idea! any similarly cute ideas for parents with a girl and a boy? :)
Kids are so cute.
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