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October 02, 2006


It's that time of my life again. The one word I have started to hate. Relocation! We are going to Switzerland (again!), to the country Ashu was born. Excited, yes! If I blink and will be in Zurich, that will be great. But no such luck. HD left Bangalore last night and is in Zurich already. It will take a month for our visas to come. So mostly by November, we should be there too. My parents and FIL were here to see him off so it did nt hit me hard, his absence. But when I came back home from the airport to find his black flip-flops lying on the floor and his tooth brush along side mine, I felt very sad. Ashu asked "Appa illaiyaa?" (No Appa?) in the middle of the night and that made me miserable. :(


Sree said...

I know that feeling very well.. the fact wont sink in for sometime and when it does, it kind of zaps out your energy all of a sudden.. on the positive side, you will get to show Ashu, the place she was born and relive your memories pretty soon... good luck.

The Visitor said...

It doesn't make a difference to us here, as long as we see your posts :). Of course, walks in BTM layout will be less hazardous, now. All the best. :)

Premalatha said...

All the best.

Artnavy said...

A month will pass by soon in wrapping up things.And yes Ashu will be able to feel snow this time of the year when u get to Switzerland- u must post on that

Anonymous said...

She started saying Appa? :-)

B o o said...

sush - True!

the visitor - posts you will get! I dont have anything better to do! ;)

Latha - Thanks. Pray that Lufthansa turns a blind eye when my luggages are weighed! ;)

B o o said...

artnavy - Ashu saw her first snow when she was 2 months old. But this time of course she will have more fun not bundled up as she was before! :)

ferrari - I am surprised that you remember!! :)) Yes, she started saying Appa 2 weeks back. HD left relieved! ;)

Itchingtowrite said...

happens to me verytime my hubby travels. feel so lost & esp the last few days don't pass. wonder if husbands also feel that way though! anyway tiem will pass - esp since u have blogging to occupy u....

Aqua said...

awww...yeah that feeling is terrible. and i hate packing!
all the best for zurich.

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Don't worry, time will fly!!How long will you be there?

Anonymous said...

So your 'About me' is going back to the old one I guess. And more box fotos of Ashu? Happy moving.
I am sorry to read abt ur thatha's demise and the change will be good for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Hai great news

Anonymous said...

Would you prefer to be in Zurich?

B o o said...

Itchy - Actually Hubby is very sad this time coz he had to leave Ashu!! According to him, we are going to have fun staying at my parents while he is all alone! Its partly true, though! ;)

Aqua - Packing! Grrr......

Inqui Akka - Probably a year. May be two. Or I might run back within a couple of months! we ll see! :)

B o o said...

julyvee - Thank you. Ya, I guess going to Swiss is a little like going back home! Only a little!

WA - You think so? I ll hold on to that! :)

Mumbaigirl - My feet started itching after almost a year in Blore. So change is good. But all the hassles...

the mad momma said...

you are a brave girl and a good wife. I almost broke my engagement with the OA when I heard he was accepting an offer to be in London. He turned that down and got a job in Bombay. (Not that I like bombay either!) But I admire wives who can wrap up their lives and follow their husbands. And I admire those who can live out of India. I cannot do without all my maidservants... and my family.. and my driver!!! I guess i am just getting lazier with age.. be sure to post lots of pics and not to slow down on the posts.. have fun!

Kowsalya Subramanian said...

I am hooked to your posts these days. I wish you change you blogname and never inform me, that is the only way to force me out of this addiction.

Its not even a year and you
have to relocate but you seem to
be enjoying it too.
Cool, Bon Voyage, Boo.

Aah.. that is rhyming

The Visitor said...

LOL @ Kowsalya
I am hooked to your posts these days. I wish you change you blogname and never inform me, that is the only way to force me out of this addiction.

Anusha said...

his black flip-flops lying on the floor and his tooth brush along side mine, I felt very sad.
I know this feeling only too well - week in and week out. A month will fly by with all the things you have to do and yes, change is healthy (not to mention fun!). Good luck with the move, and eagerly await your posts from Swiss.

Artnavy said...

YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY ME - HEIGHTS- Do it- will love to read it

B o o said...

Mad Momma - Even I dont know why or how I do it. How much ever I crib about the change, I like change!

Kowsalya - Wow, thats a great compliment, But dont worry, you will tire yourself soon! ;)

Visitor - LOL indeed! :)

Kodis mom - Thanks.

artnavy - When I read itchys and yours, I was really amazed. I never realized I can find so many "heights" in a kid. Will start noticing now! ;)

baby growth
