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June 29, 2006

It’s all coming back to me now.

Agreed that you are always in praise about your hubby when you are newly married and can’t stop talking about him to Tom, Dick and Harry telling them how great he is. You have to prove to the whole world, the ex boy friends, the ex girl friends, the current friends, the cousins and their likes what a great catch you have landed. You believe you are perfectly made for each other and go on and on about it to your friends. How smart he is, what fun he is! The gifts he showers on you. You love to swap hubby stories among your friends and wait for an opportunity to tell them about the surprise dinner he cooked for you on your birthday. You can’t believe how some wives can complain about their husbands so openly and secretly thank God that you have nt ended up with a husband like theirs. You vow never to be like them. You never ever tell anybody about the fights. You quit a perfectly nice job and follow him to the end of the Earth. (I remember a week after getting married I told my sister, "I can’t live without my hubby"! Yikes! It sound so foolish now but if I go back in time, I would say the same thing again, I’m sure. Only more confidently perhaps. Ah! Those were the days!)

But after 5 or 6 years, it should stop. It will stop! Then you will tell only the things you mean. You would advise your 21 year old cousin not to get married so soon. You would tell your 27 year old single friend how lucky she is not to have got caught in marriage and its responsibilities. You would ask your parents why they believe in a stupid institution. You would tell your husband that your pre-married life was bliss. Not that you are nt in love anymore, but because you grow up!

ps. Absolutely my personal experience. Just replace the "you"s with "I"s if you don’t agree! And this post is dedicated to everyone who think couples are caught in loveless marriages after reading their blogs! ;)


Premalatha said...

//You have to prove to the whole world, the ex boy friends, the ex girl friends, the current friends, the cousins and their likes what a great catch you have landed.//


Dadoji said...

Not that you are nt in love anymore, but because you grow up!

I am happy to have not grown up. Gonna be 18 till I die!

The Kid said...

Aasai aruvadu naal,
Moham muppdhu naal.

Maybe true! But,
Never believed in that.

Uma said...

and after 5 - 6 years, you just smile at the young wife whose turn it is to flaunt 'her catch' ... and the memories come back to you...

wonder what the men say about their wives!?!

the mad momma said...

wow! nope.. i still go weak at the knees when the OA gets back from work and I open the door to him grinning his sexy smile!!!

I think its going to be a while before I grow up!

B o o said...

Latha & WA - Its reassuring to get smileys from you guys! :)

Dadoji - Neither would we want you guys to! ;)

Pratap - Absolutely true. Enna, days can mean years for some lucky ones! :)

B o o said...

me - So true. I do that all the time! Really mean, huh? I dont think men talk about their wives at all. They always have something more important to talk about, I guess!

mad momma - No. dont grow up! I told that you ll start saying only the things you mean, right? So wishing you loads of loads of weaknees!! :) *Do we get to see the smile?!! :D*

Anonymous said...

Unga hubby oda edavadu sandaya? :-)
By the way, I am 27 and still single :-)


Vinca123 said...
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Anonymous said...

:) good one..i have been married for hmmm..8 mnths now...n i only remember talking more abt our fights n arguments..i hope i havent grown up too fast ;)

Anonymous said...

do you still feel the same as when you wrote your post?

have ashu with you and read your post...

if you have had a fight with your hubby and not feeling good about that, refer to the last thirukkural (#1330)

B o o said...

Laskhmi - is the other side green?! :)

Anon1 - Not at all. It might be the other way around for you, who knows! :)

Anon2 - I accept most of my posts about my hubby are triggered by a fight.(Me bad!) But this was nt one. I only wanted to say that I lied/hid a lot about my hubby when I was newly married and now I dont and that does nt mean I dont love him any less! Dont ask me whats the logic! *and I wasted an entire post trying to say this simple sentence and people still did nt get it! :(*

Also, whats with anons and quoting Thirukural# 1330 for every fight post? There was a reason why we were nt taught "Kaamathu Paal" in school perhaps! :)))

The Kid said...

Laksmi: I cant believe people have started with their second rounds when some are dying of starvation. I am 24 and still single! and I can cook really well!

Sob sob!

tris said...


Ardra said...

have been reading u'r posts regularly for some tiem now and have enjoyed coming back for more...

Anonymous said...

"I wasted an entire post trying to say this simple sentence and people still did nt get it! :(*"

- I did and hence the smiley

The Kid said...

Hey all married and supposedly mature people,

It may sound a bit off topic but I think it is quite relevant. It was really interesting.

After all it is just a psychological condition! So, spread the word.

N said...

I just chanced upon u're blog while wasting time at the office ;)
and I must doesn't take 4 or 5 years to grow up :)
I've only been married for and year and half, and already I tell my freinds they're lucky to be footloose and fancy free :)
the grass is always greener on the otherside.
Good blog Btw!

The Inquisitive Akka said...

I have been maried for almost 6 years now and I totally agree with your sentiments!You certainly don't love 'em any less but unfortunately their faults become so glaringly obvious that all that pyar is forced to take a backseat illiya?:)
I guess they feel the same way!:)

Premalatha said...

Its reassuring to get smileys from you guys! :)

consider one smiley each for every sentence of yours.

B o o said...

Pratap - So did u hear from Lakshmi?;)

Tilo - Like I said, "reassuring"! :)

Ardra - Thank you for coming by.

B o o said...

wa - Got that!

big mouth - Thanks! Welcome to Boo's!

>> all that pyar is forced to take a backseat illiya?:)
What a multilingual sentence?! :) Thanks for coming by. Are all the akkas inquisitive by nature?! :))

Latha - :)

The Inquisitive Akka said...

This akka is particularly nosy!:) Ask my bro! He's an active blogger- ddspace.blogspot, unlike his lazy akka who just likes leaving messages for everyone :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting! This is probably true for wives who boast abt their new husbands...
Well there are some who actually don't...

The Kid said...

ennaku romba bore adikudhu... edhavadu ezhudhunga, pleaazze !

The Visitor said...

Life is in cycles - ups, downs and again...
Different people are at different phases of the cycle at specific events (like marriage), hence the differences between people.
Sometimes events (like marriage) also result in synchronising cycles - zeitgebers.

Over philosophical'aa irukkaa? - enakkE romba over'aa paduthu. LOL

@Pratap/Kid - Interesting link to Limerence

baby growth
