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June 15, 2006

More like Teeny-Weeny-Me!

Since Ashu had her head shaved yesterday, I have been trying to find out whom she looks like as I was seeing a familiar face in her. And then to my horror, I realized that she resemebles Mini-Me!! That I watched a few scenes from Goldmemember *puke* a few days back on TV did nt help me on this one. It has completely grossed me out now. And I have gone and written about it here too! Oh God, what have I done? Anyway, this post will be long gone before Ashu learns to google. Imagine the horror when she googles for Mine-me by some freak coincidence and lands up here!


Anonymous said...

You do realise that some of us have saved this post now to give to Ashu in years to come, and you will never be forgiven :D

PS: I didn't get my name for no reason :D

Anonymous said...

Boo. An idea. You can say you were possessed by a witch, when you made this post ;)

Dadoji said...

What's to say Ashu won't be proud of it after reading your entire blog (in case she does stumble across it)? Now, that's surely a comforting idea, innit?

Besides, if she is able to google she won't be mini-me anymore.

kuttichuvaru said...

nah, doesnt look like Mini-Me!!

she is cute which by no way Mini-Me was!!

Anonymous said...

hey no no not at all... your daughter would be (beaming) PROUD of this blog... :)

baby growth
