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December 27, 2005

Road trip.

So I am in Kumbakonam now. My dad was in Bangalore yesterday on a sudden trip and since in our family we never let cars go without filling all the seats with people or at least with luggage, I decided to join him. It was either Ashu and I or the broken microwave. Dad was very much keen on the microwave as there was a super exchange offer in one of the shops here. But Ashu's instant smile when she saw her gramps changed his mind. (Atta girl!) After lot of deliberation, HD let us go. He was worried that Ashu has to travel almost 12 hours in bad roads. But a week of bachelorhood was too enticing for him. Anyway, after 12 hours cooped up in a car we arrived last night after passing Hosur, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Namakkal, Salem, Trichy, Thanjavur and hundreds of other towns and villages on worst possible roads. The driver had the worst opinion on lorry drivers and had to prove his point time and again by overtaking the Lorries while leaning on the honk and absolutely not reducing his speed from 110 kms/hour. This got more risky once it got dark as the high-beam head-lights from the on coming traffic was plain blinding. Ashu would nt sit in her car seat and my dad would nt let her cry it out. So I was holding her for dear life and praying and hoping we will reach safely and I would live to break a coconut for Lord Ganesha. We only stopped for Lunch, tea and dinner! The waiter at one of the restaurants thought that we (my dad and I) were husband and wife traveling with our daughter. While I was looking for a ceiling fan to hang myself with my Duppatta, the cool air from the Air condition blasted in my face and reminded me that there were no fans. Damn Otis! (Oh, that’s the lift guy! I meant the AC guy, whoever he is!) It also reminded me to go flush all the hair dyes at home in the toilet. Although it did nt remind me to lose my pregnancy (and the other miscellaneous) weight! Strange!

We did nt tell my mom we were coming. We wanted to surprise her with Ashu. And we did. She was all tears and promised me that she ll wash all the dirty feeding bottles I had collected the entire day. God bless her soul.

ps. The only reason I did nt kill that waiter was because he offered to carry Ashu until dad and I finished dinner. Veechu Parotta (Hand-tossed Paratha) won over Veen Avamaanam (Shame)!


anantha said...

Aaaahhh Veechu parotta.... :(

Anonymous said...

So new year kumbakonathla daana?


B o o said...

Anti - Wishing Veechu Parotta on your kalyana saapadu very soon!! :)

Lakshmi - 12 hours of gruesome travel and I need at least 12 more days to gain strength for the return trip! So probably Pongal also here! :))

Anonymous said...

Boo - if HD sees yr comment on staying back until pongal, he may prob surprise u by arriving on yr door-step on New Year's eve - bad roads or not!!!!!!!! - Jaya

Anonymous said...

12 hours of travel with a baby, you are one brave woman :)

Antikku kalyanamaaa? Eppo?

anantha said...

Boo/WA: :O
What's with you women! I am not getting married anytime soon... :p

And Boo, in any case, if I have to wish that I need veechu parotta on my kalyana saapadu, then I am sure my mom would throw a fit even to agree to my wedding ;)

Anonymous said...

Margazhila girlfriend, thai-la boyfriend ada che thai la kalyanamnu engeyo padicha nyabagam thats why asking anti :)

anantha said...

WA: Markazhi la yaaruku girlfriend? :p

Anonymous said...

Hmmm now I am confused :(

SM said...

hey Boo,
Have been following your blog for many years now and wanted to comment on a previous post where in you'd posted a picture of your parents with the two little dolls of yours that I was guessing for a long time whethere it was your dad or was it your Hd. Now, when I re-read this post, got confirmed that it is your dad and man! he looks cool and young for a grand-dad!

baby growth
