It was my "Happy Birthday" last week. Why does 37 seems so much older than 36? Antu gets a kick out of telling "When I am zero, you were 30 Amma and when I was one you were 31, when I am two you were 32,... ". She can't wait to turn 7 so that our ages are in sync once more. Little joys of life! I told Hd to stop buying gifts for the sake of buying and get me a bicycle instead and he obliged. I realized I have never had a brand new cycle. I always got my sisters bike while growing up. And once I got my Kinetic Honda in college, there were no more bicycles. We bought an used rickety cycle here in Swiss a few years back which we sold when it looked like we were moving to the US! Between breaking my leg 2 years back and Antu being quite small, we four never cycled together as a family. Hd and Ashu used to go once in a while and Ashu enjoyed biking a lot. Then last year Antu took to cycling quite a bit too and this year seemed perfect for the four of us to go biking as a family and the new mountain bike could nt have come at a better time. We set out with our bikes on Saturday. Spring is almost here and it was a beautiful day. While Ashu and I rode like the wind, the two slow pokes lagged much behind. We managed about 10 Kms and loved it. The last 500 metres to home is totally uphill and I almost died. I found a better bike trail without much uphill and tried it out the next day and loved it. Thanks to Hd for the great gift.
Ashu made me a beautiful bead necklace with bottle caps as lockets and her photo and mine in each of the bottle caps and I almost cried when she showed me and wore it proudly the whole day showing it off to everyone. Antu made me a necklace too and showered me with hugs and kisses the whole day. She even refused to go to her BFFs house for a playdate and stayed home with me. Hd took me out for a fancy dinner and we had a great time. A very good friend had a birthday breakfast for me with a few friends at her house and I felt like a school kid going to school on her birthday wearing "colour dress"! It was a great day. Antu was very curious about our "in sync" age and asked, "How old will you be when I am 50, Amma?" "I will be 80", I said. "And when I am 80?" "She will be dead, Antu", answered Ashu quickly! That kid will do anything to get out of a math question, I tell you.
Happy Birthday boo! Wish you loads of fun bicycling .... The last line mothers punch ;) is always a boo special ...
Ashu made picture locket necklace.. not Antu.. Tch tch tch!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Boo..wishing you lots of family cycle time!!!
Happy Birthday Boo!
& YY beat me with that comment...Guessed it was Ashu :)
..Boo is getting old ..showing signs by mixing names :)
Happy Burp'day dearest Boo. Such a lovely birthday you had with the girls and the the Hd. Was such fun to read. Let me know when you're in the bay area next and we'll do a belated celebration at my place. You got me thinking about the biking thingie, you know I used to hate biking it from my hostel to the department in Trichy but now here with time constraints and what nots it feels like a luxury to get to do it. I must start doing it again now that spring is already playing peek-a-boo with us here:-)
Lovely boo...many many happy returns of the day ....wishing you loads and loads of great times ahead:)...age is only a number for us when two gals are at home;:)
Thank you for the wishes, kind people.
Just for that eat your vitamins, live up to 110 and defy your daughters with maths queries.
belated happy birthday Boo.
I love your blog.
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Km 2500 Wheelchair
Keep Posting:)
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