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November 01, 2011
How clean is your house...
...when you leave in the morning to drop the kids in school? Im so curious to know. No prizes for guessing that my house looks like a pig sty (no exaggeration!) when I leave in the morning. Whoever said that theres a time and place for everything never had to do the school run, I guess! Toys everywhere! The kids room is a mess! The dining table looks like there was an explosion of cereal, bread and milk! There are clothes all over the bed! The kitchen looks as if an elephant had run rampant! (Not that my kitchen is big enough to fit an elephant!) And it drives me crazy! I hate coming back to a messy house but who has time to clean up in the morning when one is racing against the clock? The other day a friend invited me to her place impromptu after dropping the kids in school and I was amazed to see that her house was relatively clean! She does have older kids but still.... it hurt my ego! Theres no way in hell I can invite people just like that to my house. I would die!
Ashu wants to find her library book and a dozen books are in the floor. Antu drops the bowl and theres cereal everywhere. A wet towel here, a dirty jeans there, here a mess, there a mess, everywhere a mess, mess.... ARGH! Old Mc Donald is clearly not happy! Im wondering if some people employ house elves who clean up for them. This one day I had invited a mom and her child for a lunch playdate at my place after picking up Antu and the other child. And suddenly a coffee morning straight after Ashus school drop off came up too! So I had to get up, get the kids ready, make lunch, then take Ashu to school, go to the coffee thing at a friends place, then go to pick up Antu and come home with the other mom and the kid. Thankfully Hd was in town and he said he ll drop Antu and go to office. I begged him to clean up the house and leave it in a decent shape before he left the house. It was like a bomb ticking inside my head until I came home. And the man had kept his word, phew. May be its not a house elf I need after all, huh?! ;)
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Sooper tags..and please tell me you did not take a peek into my house in the morning or I guess most of the times:))
We get maha enthu when somebody even drops in and in 10 mins we set right the house (atleast the downstairs)...maadi gets attention when someone is coming for dinner or lunch and there is a chance that kids will go upstairs.
I tell the hubby why cant U (the keyword is U and we) spend this 10 mins everyday...sigh...
My favourite dialogue when I get frustrated.."thalaya picchindu odi polaam pola irruku"
What guts to take a pic and post it on the web let alone admit the mess! Every night I resolve to set right the house the first thing in the morning but by the time that realisation comes, it's almost night time again!! When people visit, the cleaning takes more time than cooking!
Boo, I am so with you. If there is one thing which can give me a heart attack, it is guests suddenly dropping in only to find the house in a complete mess. 10 mts is enough to do a basic clean up.
See I just dropped the kids and came back home. The kitchen "medai" has everything spread out ; books , newspapers spread in the hall, dirty clothes in front of various bathrooms. I am so tired looking at it, that I decided to sit in front of the comp and forget it for a while !!
same pinch. my house, esp kitchen, looks tidy at 10 pm. nobody drops in then :(
Ah! its the same here!!! When I leave my house it is in a mess!!! the only difference is it is messier in the evening ;)
What? You mean it is not supposed to look like that when the kids leave for school?
Don't bust my bubble please !
yaay! am not alone, not alone!! and cheers on discovering the 'elf' secret:) i'd rather not say it aloud lest mine hears!!
I'm almost scared to comment :) - mine does stay relatively neat in the mornings - usually only the beds are unmade, but that's because of several factors: my kids are older, both of us work and conf calls usually start during the getting-ready-for-school time, so kids have been used to getting ready by themselves for a while, kids shower at night, not in the morning, and school bags are packed at night and lastly, I'm anal - I tidy up last thing at night before I go to bed. Our tornado-hit state is right before bedtime - that's when *everything* used that afternoon/evening tends to be all over the place :) Including, on swimming and tennis days, wet swimsuits (usually dumped on the worst possible surface for them), tennis rackets and smelly shoes...ugh. Then Banshee mom gets in on the act!
This could be a total copy paste post for me. One has to see our house in the morning to believe it ..with my kids even clothes tried and then deemed unfit for wearing today lie messed ard too. Socks are another one ..I had to threaten V for 3 consecutive days that he'll have to go one whole week without socks to school till I do laundry next week and then magically 4 pairs of socks worn over 4 days landed in the laundry basket when they had been moving from coffee table to shoe rack to play kitchen to where not before that!
Same case scenario. Can never ever dare to invite anybody after the school drop time! I practically used to return home and merely clean and take my shower and cook barely dhal rice for lunch and it used to become 12noon to pick up my kids back when I was in India! Now thank God atleast food part is taken care by the Canadian daycare - such a blessing ... still the house is a mess everyday like never before! :)
Thankfully my kid is a neatness freak unlike me!
Phew! Im not alone!
M - All these "tornado effect" just in the morning. evenings are relatively cleaner! I guess its because we are not racing against the clock! sigh!
Ashok - yeah yeah! Thats what I was saying too! Until Antu came along!!! *shudders*
Err.. move back to des Boo. You do get elves here ;)
I am the worst in my household... my mess takes the longest time (read 365 days) to clean.
so i dont bother.
i invite for potluck bfast nevertheless... my bfasts are not for the faint-hearted
it is very lovely
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