Ashu's KG graduation gift was a movie - Kung Fu Panda 2. I was thrilled to go for a movie with her. Though her first movie was Toy Story 3 last year, she watched it with my Bil. So this was our first time to the big screen together. Naturally, I was making a big deal and she did nt care! The news spread and more moms and kids joined our plan. At the end, we were 4 moms and 9 kids. Hd could nt believe we were leaving him and Antu and going on Father's day but we reminded him that every day is fathers day and we don't believe in all this marketing scam! Mother's day is almost a year away. So he ll forgive and forget, Im hoping! ;)

After the movie, Ashu said that she liked this better than Toy Story. (Come on, Pixar! Do something!) I asked her if she understood the story and she said she did. "But I did nt understand one thing, Amma. What is Inner Peace?" Err.... A profound question indeed! But I expect no less from Ashu. "You know how Amma is on a school day morning, Ashu? When you cant find your water bottle and Antu refuses to drink her milk and your dad is on a phone call and I'm making tea and breakfast and lunch and trying to comb your hair all at the same time?" "Yes....", Ashu gulped. "Well. Inner peace is exactly the opposite!", I declared. She, of course, did not get it. But I found inner peace alright, even if it lasted only a minute! :)
Super post !!! the dialogue -- Who do you think you are, Panda?
Who do you think I am, Peacock?
had me in splits!!!
now replace Panda with Amma and Peacock with Ashu! sorry boo no offense meant! i am on a high after watching the movie!
The Mom, The daughter and a movie (husband at home) - Inner Peace!!!
I personally loved Part 1.
Really like the humour in your posts. You have a way with words.
I loved the way you defined inner peace!! Excellent!! :-D
What a way to define Inner Peace! Thoroughly enjoyed reading the post.
oh so that is inner peace..thanks Ashu for asking that to your mom and thanks Boo for making me understand (I hope!) what is inner peace :)
Inner Peace - Aah! Now I understand how to get there :-) Lovely post...
hahaha You are mean! :-D
:))) ... Inner peace was fabulous!
Your definition on inner peace definitely had me in splits. Loved your tags as well - kungumapoo bonda??
Personally I liked part 1 better, since it was more of the Panda, part 2 was more of the Peacock.
hahaha!!!!nice one!!!another cute one from boo :)
Nice One!
Inner peace .. loved the explanation !! Only info missing about it the screaming happening alongside about the missing socks pair.
:) u r so funny, Boo!
Kungumapoo bonda? Onniyum Piriyale.. Mandaiya pichiginu keeren.
Perfect definition of inner peace. Only the hubby and kids need to get that. We did watch the same last week. Was a good show.
the girls can discuss this movie when we meet! anush loved it too
her sitting with friends to watch the movie- cute! your definition of inner peace- sabaash!
"Inner peace is cool. Btw what's inner peace?", that was awesome.
Loved the movie.
Nice post!!!!!
Had fun reading it.
Nothing can be better than a gift of family outing...I can see that you had a good time.
Nice to read your blog.
It seems you enjoyed a lot.
hilarious! you had me in splits! i experience inner peace many times a day too, in similar circumstances, but your description will now make me smile when experiencing it. have a great day!
Haha! Loved your explanation for inner peace! Total opposite of the morning madness indeed!
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