Another birthday came and went. Ashu made a lovely card for me. She asked me a couple of days earlier, "Are you going to be 25, Amma?" "Oh I wish, Ashu! I wish! But I'm going to be 33", I told her. "But why would you wish to be younger, Amma? I don't want to be younger. I cant wait to be 6. I feel like I'm already six." Ah! To be young and foolish again! Hd took us to a nice restaurant nearby for a Sunday brunch after surprising me with a pineapple cake! Then we dropped the kids at a good friends place and went for a movie. The Adjustment Bureau. Very interesting story but the end was a bit disappointing! Matt Damon and Emily Blunt were really good. One particular hospital scene was really powerful.
On other news, I completely forgot to mark a milestone. Antu is successfully potty trained by day. It has been almost a month now and I cant believe we got to this point. I was most skeptical because she was nt showing any signs. She was going to playschool. She has to spend so much time in the car so I was wondering where to begin and how to manage. I just let her diaper free one Friday and it was a disaster! But Day 2 was slightly better and Day 3, she could tell me that she wanted to use the bathroom and there were no accidents. I still sent her in diaper to the play school that week but kept her diaper free at home. By that weekend, she was 100% consistent. So I sent her to playschool without diapers and told the caregivers to remind her to use the bathroom. And Voila! She did it! All on her own! Add to that, shes also showing signs that shes ready to be night trained because her diapers are always dry! I cant believe Ashu and Antu are such opposites! Even though Ashu was potty trained earlier than Antu, she took forever to be night trained. Anyway, so thats that! Im done with diapers! Forever! End of an era! :) Funny that 2 weeks back, the entire household used to go on red alert as soon as Antu said "SOO-SOO" and run to take her to the bathroom. Then it became, "wait a sec!" and then take her to the bathroom. Soon it was, "So? Go!" and poor thing started to pull the step stool closer, put the potty seat on top of the toilet, climb up, use the bathroom, etc... all on her own! Now she has even stopped telling us! I got up today morning to see her sitting on the pot and coolly reading a bath book!! And yesterday Ashu told her, "Let me use it first. You wait in line!" and she patiently did! How the times have changed!

Ashu has also successfully completed Level 1 of Skiing and is confidently skiing the beginner slopes(Level 2) using the ski lift and all! Best decision ever to put her and S, a friends daughter in a private class and taking them to the slopes every weekend regularly since January. The girls enjoyed each others company, had fun skiing and enjoyed the whole experience. And we feel we had a productive winter too! She has also taken to her brand new Skateboard with a vengeance. It has been sleeping in the cupboard for a year. A gift from my sister for her 5th birthday on her request. Shes growing up too fast for me and talking the talk and walking the walk! "You know what a ramp is Amma? You don't? Its an inclined plane!!", she told me yesterday! *gulp* I know I have always been telling her, "Use your words, Ashu! Use your words!" for everything! But the other day she did and how! Antu kept on kicking her under the table when they were eating dinner. Ashu told her to stop repeatedly but Antu would nt listen. So she says, "Whats the point, Antu? Why are you kicking me? Whats the point?" I swear I choked on my tea!
Happy birthday Boo....wishing you the best...
Sujatha Ramesh
Gulp! I spoke to you that day and didn't even wish! Seriously...didn't know Boo. Belated birthday wishes...Wishing you a very happy healthy and a peaceful year ahead!
Whoa. I love your spunky girls :)
Next thing she’ll tell you how an inclined plane is a simple machine!
Happy Birthday Boo.
Its so true that as kids we always want to grow fast and as adults we want to stay where we are.
And big congrats on the potty, I am in the process of potty training my daughter and I can imagine how stressful it is.
"Whats the point, Antu? Why are you kicking me? Whats the point?" She speaks like a grown up girl :)
Wishing you a very happy birthday Boo. Am glad the girls made your day. So true we adults always love to turn young, always
hey, I am reminded of the whole big skiing thing I can learn in northern latitudes with my kids! I realize seeing your blog - wow that would be fun yeah! (dont ask me what a baffoon I was when I tried first!)
Unfortunately in our playschool only daya and divya arent toilet trained, only ones with diapers, so I am under hyper-pressure now! Feeling more hopeful after reading yours. I feel so unfair about this pressure in India, my BIL's boy is just now getting trained, if I were in the north I wouldnt be this cruel - I feel miserable seeing Divya all awkward and confused about whether to hold the pee or how to hold it and crying miserably! hopefully it would end soon ... She seems to get it ...
Nobody believes me that they never got rashes with diapers - I am looked upon as a cruel useless mother who sends grown kids in diapers! even by my own family - DUH! bad social pressure :( ... but getting there ...
Happy B'Day Boo! My B'Day is coming up in few days as well. Looks like we are of same age.
So cute on both of them!
They are growing up. Sob! Sob!
happy b'day boo...:))
"Whats the point? " from a 6 year old..wow..incredible.
Belated happy bday Boo...:) the card in the first pic is made by Ashu? and loved the updates on Ashu and Antu..R is almost potty trained by the day..its only in the night its a problem...
Hello Boo,
Visiting after a long time. Feels nice to finds things are as lovely they always were.
Skating and skiing.. Give Ashu a big hug on that... Antu is a darling.. second borns are like that(Ahem)!!
Belated wishes Boo... another year wiser!!
Belated b'day wishes Boo!
That card looks very cute.. did she do it herself?
Ashu looks so cool in that skateboard! And big thumbs up for potty trained Antu :)
Belated Birthday wishes Boo!! ANd Antu has graduated to "so... go" level!!!! ROTFL!!! I still haven't reached that stage for Lily :) And Yayyy to super girl Ashu for using her own words and crossing the beginners level in skiing!!!
Happy birthday Boo! :)
oops forgot to mention ...
belated happy birthday boo ...
oh that first photo is a card yeah? lovely!
Belated happy b'day Boo.
long time reader...I want to say again I love your blog.
Happy birthday to Boo!! best wishes from Australia!
It is lovely to read about your kids. I say go 'girl power!!' it is great she stood up for herself!
Our girls are certainly not shrinking violets and learned at Kindy to say "Stop it, I don't like it" it is so empowering to give them a way to voice their discomfort or unhappiness. It happens when they are negotiating between them and also with other kids and at school too now they are older.
If you have a chance to drop by our family and kid friendly blog, feel free!!
Your girls are all grown up. Boo!
Good birthday present, non?
Thanks everyone for the lovely wishes!
Yes, Ashu made that card for me.
happy birthday boo~
we are leading parallel lives.
~ i'll be 33 in june
~ i have a five year old who feels like he is 6
~ and my 2 and half year old is day trained too.
~ but. but. i bow low. i cant figure out how to train my husband into surprising me on my birthday ( i should start now... and he'll get the message by june)
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
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