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July 20, 2006

If you know what I mean...

I really wish I were old. Whenever I do this uncool thing, I wish I were around 50 so that the thing I do is nt uncool. I mean is there any cool way to get the idli batter out of a grinder? (I mean the wet grinder here and not the mixer grinder!) How much ever you try, you have to use your hands ultimately to take the batter out and then scrape your hand in the storage vessel. Yucks! And I still waste a good amount of the maavu (batter) stuck in the grinder. How my mom wipes the grinder clean is beyond me. Anyway, I worked like a dog today around the house. I wish I cleaned the house everyday. But unfortunately no such determination or OCD. I always postpone housework until some guests arrive. It happens that this weekend we are having visitors and I ended up doing everything in one day. Clean the shelves, cup boards, make Idli maavu(thats how the uncool thing happened!), arrange the closets, clean TV, computer,.. All while dragging Ashu as she had tightly hugged my legs! Poor thing, never saw her mom so worked up before! The tough part was cleaning the fridge inside out as it has been ages since my fridge had some fresh air for more than 5 seconds!! (You must have got it by now who's coming if I am cleaning my fridge right? If not, ignorance is bliss!)

Usually I have loads of time to write but nothing comes to my mind. But sometimes it so happens that you will have loads of interesting stuff but no time or energy! So see you on the other side of a pretty long weekend! ;)


Stone said...

hmm interesting, I'm equally eager to know the optimum process to take maximum batter out of grinder!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the weekend, looking fwd to seeing you back. And I know the feeling about housework :(

All Smiles!! said...

Hiya, Just came across your blog, thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts, keep em' coming!! You have a very cute little girl!

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Oh I am so glad to know that there are people like me in the world! I do exactly what you do and even I am trying to optimise the idli maavu dosa maavu procedure! My mom keeps the grinder so clean and she throws a fit everytime she comes and sees the way we live! Its not just the grinder, almost everything is imperfect and dirty according to her! A sparkling clean kitchen is wonderful though, it makes you feel so much better about yourself. That's why we have the cleanliness- godliness fundaes I suppose! :)
Have a good weekend and write something soon!

Anonymous said...


Buy the table top one wherein you can keep the maavu container inside the fridge without having to vazhichify it out.. i know you already have this big monster like grinder.. try and see if you can exchange it to a smaller one..
with the smaller one, you can make the batter for 1-2 days for four people

Ardra said...

let me guess- the parents/in-laws are coming a visiting- actually, I'm on my toes more when its my parents...
nyways , Gud luck with everything- and yes, I can totally relate to the messy maavu scooping predicament...

Priya Arun said...

Making idli maavu is THE most painful household chore! Not to mention cleaning up after the whole thing :-( And the worst part is, if I don't make the maavu over the weekend, then I pay the price ALL week by having sad breakfasts everyday! Such a vicious circle.

Good luck with all your hectic weekend - it's the same story when someone comes-a-visting to my place too. Veettukku veedu vaasapadi! :-)

P.S: Cleaning the house is painful enough, doing it with a daughter stuck to your legs is even bad! :-( Paavam Boo, paavam Ashu.

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Yeah, I have to make idli/dosa maavu over the weekend too. If I don't do that I'll have to eat bread all week long or make more complicated breakfast items which is terribly bugging in the mornings:)(esp when you are as lazy as I am).

Anonymous said...

now that we are on the subject -- what IS the right proportion?
1:3 or 1:4 - urad dal+ boiled rice ...
and are there no short cuts? I tried grinding both together: let me just say that was disaster!
oh and pongal is an 'easy enough to make' breakfast -- but i hate it.

anand's amma

Ardra said...

Hope u'r not as busy now, for I've tagged you...u dont know me perhaps, but I've been a regular reader of your posts for some tiem now...and if you feel like it, I'd be happy if you do the tag.
pls chek:

The Inquisitive Akka said...

Hi Anand's amma!I use 1:3 for dosa and 1:4 for idli. They sell idli rice and dosa rice these days, have you tried that? Grind urd dal first and then add the idli/dosa rice- been there, done that :)Grind the idli batter for a shorter time than the dosa batter.
Am no expert with idlis and dosas but anyway I hope this helps a bit:)

The Kid said...

Why on earth would anyone use the wet-grinder when you can get idli/dosa batter in the stores ? especially with so much other cleaning to be done??

I guess the people coming must be someone important ;)

B o o said...

stone - I just want to know a less yucky way to take damn batter out! :)

Sudha - I know. Even I feel great after cleaning. But starting trouble...! BTW, I just happen to adore Boo. No other special reason for the title!

WA - Guess everyone feels that way. But other peoples house are always more sparkling than mine! Wonder hows that! ;)

B o o said...

Thanks Rajitha. Welcome to Boo's!

Akka - Im sure my mom thinks the same way too but she does nt tell me as she is afraid to incur my wrath! But MIL! Well thats another story! ;)

Samyu - Actually I have a very small table top grinder only. But no space in the fridge! Howazzat?!!

B o o said...

Ardra - U r right and thanks for the wishes. I need all the luck to come out in one piece!

Priya - U r damn right. Never thought that Idli maavu will play such a crucial role in my life! :)

B o o said...

anands amma - Depends on the rice actually. My mom supplies me with this supposed to be very good idli rice. 1 urad dal + 3 idli rice + 3 raw rice + 1 Aval(Poha) Idlis come out awesome when she grinds and okay when I do the same! Go figure! No short cuts as far as I know other than buying Idlis, that is! ;)

Ardra - I visited your blog after ur comment on my prev post and loved it. Wundergal has also tagged me with the same one. Will do it soon! Ore kallula,...!

B o o said...

Pratap - The guests are definitely important. But the idlis that come out of home ground batter are more important than the guests. :)

Anonymous said...

Boo - I know what you mean by other people's houses, feel exactly the same way too :( Let me know if you find out how they do it :(

As to everyone feeling the same way, nope honestly trust me this is so true, I have come across women who say that they find it bloody therapeutic. Sad people, I reckon

Anonymous said...

Hi, as a working father of two boys who grinds idli and dosa maavu every week, I can so totally understand what you're saying. This morning, between making the tea for everyone, breakfast and grinding idli maavu, I was at my wits' end trying to get work done in the morning just in time to rush to the gym and get to work on time. I so wished I had a 'Super-human' gene then :-) I have a big table-top Ultra and it bogs me how anyone manages to clean it 'clean'. Etthra vazhichhalum konjam maavu irritating a ottindirukkum, which by now you will have gathered from my Palakkaad Tamizh rantings, bugs me no end !!!! Can't even tear my hair out, that's another sensitive subject, too close to the scalp !

Anonymous said...

Hi all!

Just came accross your blog. Here is a tip/tips for easy scraping or cleaning...use a good rubber/silicone spatula. But this works only for table top grinders with removable stone and detachable drum. First Pour out the batter without using hands. scrape the remaining sticking batter to one side with rubber spatula and pour it out again in one clean sweep. To clean the batter sticking on the stone...put little water in the bottom of the drum and spin the stone 4-5 times manually. The water will help to pull out any batter sticking on the stone. Use the spatula to scrape the batter sticking on side of stone. Put the water back in batter and mix well.For cleaning the stone and the hole under it, I use pipe cleaner/tooth brush.

Hope this helps.

Now for the sparkling kitchen part....I just tell muy mom/ Mom-in-law that I like got all my kitchen stuff in a matte finish!!!!

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