Dear Antu,
I was really wondering if I can just leave this link to the letter I wrote to Ashu on her first birthday and ask you to replace Ashu with Antu. I was hoping you would nt mind hand me down letters since you dont seem to mind the clothes! Then I totally forgot about you birthday because of the India trip and your Ayush homam planning. Then today when I was sitting on the Dentist chair with my mouth wide open and a tooth being drilled, I felt that I would rather take labor than dental work and told myself that I should be hit with a shoe if I go near a chocolate again. And that's when I remembered! Oh God! Almost a year gone by since my labor! Its you birthday in less than 2 days and I had no plans, no letters in draft. But you are very happy amidst the two set of doting grand parents, in Madras during the peak summer, playing in the beach, happily staying with one of the grand parents while your mother goes shopping. And my eyes truly welled up at the moment. Damn the painful dental procedures!

Sweetie pie, I love you. Happy Birthday! I thought Ashu was the perfect baby until you came along. Prove me wrong in the coming years too if you want me to live long and write birthday letters to my grand kids!
Long back, my mom told me that my dad came to see me only after 22 days after I was born. May be she did nt realize what a potent weapon she was giving me by telling me that bit of information because I have used that line to blackmail my dad on every occasion and I still do. And I cant deny your weapon, Antu. Your dad is nt here for you first birthday. Go get him. ;)
Sweetie pie, I love you. Happy Birthday! I thought Ashu was the perfect baby until you came along. Prove me wrong in the coming years too if you want me to live long and write birthday letters to my grand kids!
Long back, my mom told me that my dad came to see me only after 22 days after I was born. May be she did nt realize what a potent weapon she was giving me by telling me that bit of information because I have used that line to blackmail my dad on every occasion and I still do. And I cant deny your weapon, Antu. Your dad is nt here for you first birthday. Go get him. ;)
happy b'day antu
Happy Birthday kutti!
p.s. Boo, very touching post in Boo style. By the day appa was watching cricket match live in Chennai when I was born and saw me only after couple of days! He doesn't deserve us I tell you! :-)
Happy bday to Antu. She looks so sweet in the pics as always :)
Happy Birthday cute li'l Antu! you have a winner smile!
Happy Birthday Antu baby!! This was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up and realized it was 27th.. (becos my bday is so close to yours :-) :-))..
Antu, you are really a cutie-pie!!
Wish you many many happy and healthy years to come,
Happy Bday to little Antu.
happy bday antu- look forwrad to seeing u in all your 1 yr glory an dof course ashu and your mom too
Happy birthday, Antu dear! May you grow up to be as sweet and as funny as your mom is! :-)
Happy Birthday Dear Little Antu :).
Happy Birthday, lovely little Antu.
Happy Birthday Antu! Perfect boo style letter. Hats off to you antu for being a good girl in Chennai weather.
Happy Birthday Avanti!
From another Avanti :)
Happy birthday to Antu!!:)
Even my dad came to see my younger sister after almost a month as he couldnt get u,even she uses that point whenever a fight comes up!
happy bday dear antu
Happy Happy birthday Antu!
Happy birthday Antu :)
happy budday sweetie :)
Happy birthday Antu. Can't believe you are already one. I still think your mom is still preggy with you inside her tummy. when did you come out and when did you grow so big?
Happy Birthday dear Antu. You look absolutely delicious :)
happy birthday antu! may you always have that gorgeous smile.
Awww, Boo, you are unique.
Happy Birthday to Antu, hope she has a wonderful life ahead of her :)
Happy Birthday, Antu.
What a cute smile she has in that first pic! :-)
Oh u cmg to India? Any plans to visit Blore?
Happy Birthday Antu!
She looks so sweet!
Guruji, SOS ... HEELLLLPPPPP ...
Can you please write about carrying children in flights?! :)
I am going to do it the first time, just 3 hours and I am shit scared our mic mohini's reverberation will shatter the aircraft!!! :)
Any tips?
She is truly soooper cute, this gal! Delighted to wish her a very Happy 1, 1 day later (sorry, Boo!). Loved the label you have for her...'paalooti valartha kili'! :D
Happy Birthday Antu :)
Paavam HD. Antu eppadi ellam blackmail pannaporalo!
Happy Birthday, Antu! You look soooo sweeet :) Hope you have a great year!
Happy Birthday Antu. Hope you guys have afab time in Chennai.
Happy birthday Antu
Happy bday Antu. Such sweet letters your mom writes. Makes growing up seem worth it :-)
A very happy bday to you, dear Antu!
God bless.
Happy birthday Antu! And Boo...that is a very mean(y-beany) weapon!
Happy birthday, kutty ponney!
Happy Happy birthday beautiful child. She looks gorgeous Boo. So you are in Chennai now? Wow.
Belated Birthday wishes cute Antu darling
belated Happy Birthday to Antu! she is looking so adorable! wishing her a super year ahead!
Happy birthday Antu, you wouldnt know this, I read all your mom's posts and I am already your fun. I even wonder why she doesnt do posts more often about you!
She is such a cutie pie, Boo! Belated happy birthday to her.
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