Dear Arushi, Happy Birthday. I thought writing a letter would be a wonderful birthday gift to you and I plan to do it every year. But don't get influenced by a certain K movie and its annoying kid. If I die and you read my letters later, just make sure your father does nt marry one of his ex- girl friends or rather make sure he does nt marry at all. Oh God, what a way to start a letter. Anyway, now thats out of the way, lets talk about you. Arushi, you are the best thing that has happened to my life. Period. Nothing can ever change that. Absolutely nothing. It does nt matter that you are so cute. And have curly hair just like me. That you resemble so much of your father. That you are so small and so sweet. That you learn things very quickly. You make us proud by doing so many things. We would love you the same and cherish you in spite of all these too.
Last year this time, I did nt even know it was going to be your birthday or that your were a girl. Imagine that! And now, we are planning your Birthday. When I ordered the cake and asked them to write "Happy 1st Birthday" on it, I became speechless for a minute. How can you be one already? You can do so many things now. I have always taken everything for granted and never paid close attention to anything before. But now after you came into my life, everything you do amazes me. When I was newly married and some of my friends used to talk about their children all the time, I used to get a little annoyed and wonder if they can take about anything else at all. But now I know that theres nothing more important than your kids. And seeing them grow inch by inch and learn step by step is an awesome journey. Thanks for making me understand that. Even the idea of blogging came to me after you were born. Because there is so much to say when you have a baby however boring it gets for others!
The midwife who delivered you told us that you are very lucky to have such strong and caring parents. That was only until you came out. Now we are the lucky ones to have such a smart and trouble-free kid in our hands. Whenever I complain about you or become really impatient with you, you grandma reminds me how lucky I am to have such a nice kid and to stop complaining. I know she will tell the same even if you were Dennis the Menace. But this time she could be right. I mean, she IS right! I know that. But if I do get impatient or angry sometimes(!) its me not you. Until now that is. In your teenage, it would surely be you not me, remember that!
The dress is ready. The cake is ready. The guests are ready. The venue is decided. The party is all set. But I felt something was missing. I was nt doing anything personally. You are too special for me to let your birthday go without anything special from me. So this is for you. These words. This letter. I know I cant get away so cheaply from the next birthday onwards or if I am really lucky, from the one after that. I ll try to do more. Meanwhile, go ask your Appa what he has got for you. :)
wow, Boo!!! Thats a really sweet birthday gift for a daughter to understand her mom when she grows up. The photos capturing her from time of birth till now are v.nice. Happy birthday Ashu. J
Aaaw! Such a beautiful and unique way to celebrate her B'day. The best to you Arushi. From one totally-in-love mother to another, heres wishing you so much joy with her.
arushi, lovely name. Happy birthday to you from alpha aunty. And I must thank your mom for introducing me to this lovely baby. Good luck in whatever you do. No pressure in making your parents you can see, you can poop all day and they'll love you.
wow. :)
wow, Boo!!! Thats a really sweet birthday gift for a daughter to understand her mom when she grows up. The photos capturing her from time of birth till now are v.nice. Happy birthday Ashu. J
Happy Birthday Ashu :)
Adutha birthday la irundhu I think Ashu will ask you royalty for posting her snaps ;-)
cute, happy bday Ashu :)
cho chweet baby! Partku engala ellam koopida mateengala? ;P
I meant say Partyku engala ellam koopida mateengala? ;P
Sweet, Happy Bday Ashu!! tat was a wonderful bday gift!!
Happy Birthday to your cutie pie! And to you, Happy First Anniversary as a Mom!
pAppaavukku drishti suththi pODungga :-)
What can I say! Wow!!
Happy Birthday Boo :-))!
Beautiful !
Many Many Wishes for a Very Happy Birthday.
Wishes for Far Away.
kannu pattura poguthu.. mudhalla suthi podunga..
cho chweet! :) Happy b'day to Arushi from me !!
my wishes!
Aaaw! Such a beautiful and unique way to celebrate her B'day. The best to you Arushi. From one totally-in-love mother to another, heres wishing you so much joy with her.
arushi, lovely name. Happy birthday to you from alpha aunty. And I must thank your mom for introducing me to this lovely baby. Good luck in whatever you do. No pressure in making your parents you can see, you can poop all day and they'll love you.
Funny, sentimental, honest, heart-felt and above all, beautiful. She's lucky to have a mum in you. Happy Birthday, Arushi.
isnt she cute!!
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