Thanks Art Navy and Utbt for making me walk a few inches above the ground for the past couple of days. Yes, awards do that to me and I have been acting all high and mighty and even avoiding cooking much to Hds concern. Hes waiting for me to come back to Earth.
Trying to come with five people was nt as difficult as I thought it would be as there are so many bloggers I deeply admire and lot more people I would love to tag are already tagged not surprisingly.
Without much ado, the awards go to...
Dubukku - My blog Guru who made me think as much as he made me laugh. How real life simple situations can be described in a totally hilarious way - got to learn from the master! If I live long, it would be thanks to him. Mudhal Vanakkam, Anna! :)
Gauri - According to me, every mommy blogger deserves this award because well... I am a mother and we deserve every recognition which comes our way. And Tharini and Gauri are a huge inspiration and they both are up there in a pedestal for me. I look forward to Gauris posts and to read about her children. Every post leaves a mark on its own and if I am a better mother today, shes definitely one of the reason. Need I say more?
Madura - She writes both in English and Tamil proficiently though her Tamil blog is missing these days. The subject of her posts and the research she does and her thorough knowledge on the subject she deals with make me her ardent fan. Write more, Madura.
Premalatha - When I was new to the blog world and started reading blogs, Lathas posts made me very nostalgic and wished she wrote more. I never thought that one day we will be on first name basis as she was like a celebrity to me. Her strong opinions on some topics make me wish I was nt such a wuss! ;) People like Madura and Latha who write excellently in more than one language leave me with awe as I know how difficult it is to keep writing in both as my sorely neglected Tamil blog will tell you.
Ashok - A writer, an architect, a painter, an artist, a poet, a photographer, a proud father,... His talent amazes me. I hope this award jolts him awake from his hiatus and he writes more often. I miss you Ashok. Or did nt you let me know about your new whereabouts?
If you choose to pass this award on, these are the Thinking Blogger Award rules:
This award was started here.
You have to award five others whose blog you think deserve this award.
Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all — blogs that really get you thinking!
Congrats Boo! :)
Ohhh thats sooo nice of you. Danks. I am honoured.
Guru - **ahem ahem** ithellam rombaaa overnga
அண்ணாவா....aarrrrghhhh கவுத்திட்டீங்களே....உலகத்துலயே என்னை விட அதிக வயசான தங்கச்சிகளை கொண்ட ஒரே அண்ணன் நானாகத் தான் இருக்க முடியும் :P
Gee ! Thanks Boo !! :-)
Will take up the tag once I decide who I'm passing it on to.
And seriously, felt real nice to know that my blog does have an impact on people.
Thanks, once again :-)
Congrats boo...its always fun reading your blog...
over a nakkaringa
walking few inches above the earth.
@wow! that really jolts me up! Thanks for the compliment....Ive not been blogging regularly of late due to my current occupation thats keeping me on the toes...will be back on blogging track soon :) thanks again!
Well.. your blog is the one which got me into reading blogs. I have been reading your blogs on and off for few months now. Initallty stumbled upon it while surfing on pregnancy and delivery.. Got hooked on to it from then on. Was waiting for the right time to comment? he he..
Writing is an art. Not everybody can do it. I sure can't. You write beautifully with a sense of humor. Almost all the posts of yours leaves me smiling and light hearted.
Boo, I prepared to give you the award a month ago, as soon as Gounder Brownie wrote to me! I am surprised now that you have my name here :) ... I feel like I missed the opportunity to give it first to you! :) (I will email you as soon as I have it up!) ...
Thanks a lot for mentioning me in your list! It feels great!
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