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August 23, 2006

The case of the missing tomatoes!

The other day I took a tomato from the bowl to make a sandwich. I found that some tomatoes were missing. Since I had bought a kilo of tomatoes only the previous day, it was easy to see that some were gone. Theres only one little thief in our house. Usually, it is onions and potatoes as they are in the lower shelf. Tomatoes and Bananas are in the top shelf. The thief cannot reach the top shelf or so I thought! The enquiry started. "Ashu! where are the tomatoes?" She gives me an innocent look and runs to the hall. I follow her and see a tomato under the sofa. When I go and pick it up, the thief runs to the kitchen. I follow her and Voila! the secret place is found. Behind the fridge! I retrieved almost half a kilo of tomatoes from there. I guess she was doing it for the past week or so taking one or two at a time and stashing it there! No wonder I was buying tomatoes very often! Wonder what she was planning to cook! Its not even my birthday or something... ;)


Aparna said...

How very cute!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha! How sweet! Good you found them before they started to rot!

neha vish said...

You're killing me with all this cuteness! :)

Anonymous said...

lol. Good job she led you to the places where she'd hidden them rather than you having to follow the smell of it a few weeks later :)

Sree said...

choooooooo chweeeeeeeet. She is sooo adorable.

Tharini said...


Little cute smartie!!

Dadoji said...

heh heh
She is a little sweetheart.

Itchingtowrite said...

great . gives me lot to look forward to. mine are still 9 months old

Mad said...

I used to take tomatoes and put them in the wet grinder! Guess Ashu is a good girl compared to the infant me :)
Oh yeah, I do that even now, just call it experimenting with recipes ;)

B o o said...

Thanks for coming by you all! :)

Madura - Im already "using" her that way! The kids love to run errands in this phase I guess. Better use them when we can!! ;)

Itchy(Reminds me of Itchy and Scratchy from the Simpsons!!) - Was the "are" deliberate? Can we be friends? Can I come over when I come to Chennai? I know I already love "them"!! :)))

Madhu - Thanks for the tip Dude!

Itchingtowrite said...

yes the "are" was deliberate. pls come over when u r in chennai.

Priya Arun said...

:-( naa inge comment panninen! comment kaanam! :-((

Maybe Ashu hid my comment behind the fridge too. Konjum fridge pinnale pakkarela? ;-)

**shoulders slumped** I rock at PJs no? (PJ = poor/pathetic joke)

baby growth
