You are five today and I am in denial. Well, whats new? Its always tough for me around your birthday. How can the baby of the family get older? But of course, you spend year after year looking forward to your birthdays. You planned your party long back. That you wanted in your playgroup with your favorite teacher organizing it and your dear grand parents present. So we had the party last week since your grand parents were leaving before your birthday. And you had another party the week before with just us family since your Perimma and Perippa were here. And then you are taking cupcakes to your class today. Not to mention the truck loads of gifts you have been getting. Nothing makes you happy in this world like opening a present! :)
You have been enjoying ballet and swimming this year. Your musical sense and the way you move when you hear a song and the way you are constantly humming songs has become legendary in the family. My mom calls you mini-me since you are a reduction xerox of me in many, many things. I am both proud and scared at the same time! You have many, many friends and if you can have your way, you will never ever come home straight after school. I shudder at the thought of you walking to school and back on your own from August. A kindergartener, sigh! Your best friend R and you are together in the same class in KG too and I cant wait to see you both holding hands and walking to school!
You have just about began reading and writing and very excited about it. You love your playgroup which you go to two days a week and hate your preschool which you go the other three days. You are totally daddys pet and always locking horns with me. Your sister and you fight for everything these days and I dont know what to do to make you guys be nice to each other. When you are nice to her, she ignores you and when shes nice to you, you provoke her. Im the one who is losing hair over it though. When I yell at you or give you a time out, Ashu is the first person you go to to get a hug. And shes the one you go for help when you know you are in trouble with me. Your Tamil has improved leaps and bounds since your grand parents were here for 2 months. The way you switch languages depending on whom you are talking to is to be seen to be believed!
You are a total rebel and do everything I ask you not to. The other day I warned you to go brush your teeth before I count five. You were just standing staring at me. So I asked "Well, what are you waiting for?" And you said, "So start counting!" The gall! Ashu could never ever get away even with half the things that you seem to be getting away with. However hard I try to be fair, its a losing battle. Its a perk for second borns, I guess and Im not complaining! :) If I ever raise my voice at you, you proclaim that Im not your friend anymore and stomp off! Of course two minutes later, you are giving me a hug and telling me that you love me a trillion! I love you a trillion too, baby! Heres to many more birthday parties and presents to you, my little Diva! Hope all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Antu!!!!! Can't believe the beautiful girl in the pic is you grown up so much!! Enjoy life and have fun....god bless you..
Boo and I so hear about the 2nd borns..thats exactly what happens in our house too..the 2nd one gets away with anything and everything..
Please start writing again Boo other than Bday updates...
Happy Birthday Antu! It has been so much fun seeing you and Ashu grow up ... I even feel that for the very first time I see a very close resemblance between the two in the third and fourth photograph!
and boo, in my home - fighting for all random reasons - ditto - and then when I scream they support each other - ditto me going nuts on what exactly happened now :) - and ofcourse the instant shunning upon reprimand and then a make up with a hug - ditto - more with my son than my daughter. So I feel all glad that somebody else is going nuts the same as I do :) ...
Hi Boo... I was searching for some articles and came across your blog 10 days ago.. From that day on I am reading your blog right from the first blog... I enjoyed thoroughly reading your description of your little ones :) Now I have a feeling that I know your family.. I know your kids... their innocence.. their mischief everything!! I like the way you narrate the incidents... I noticed that recent years the frequency is very less.. please keep writing about your kids.. I would definitely want to know which subject Ashu and Antu graduates in (!!!) their married life.. their kids... on and on and on.... I hope you would not disappoint me!!
I registered my child for the Spelling Bee, as another parent from my child's school convinced all of us saying it was good exposure. But soon I found out that this is nothing but a major scam. The organizers charge huge amounts of money for some books and lectures, which is over and above the exam fees. They promote children easily to the next level. At each level the fees increase. And there are many many levels before the finals. They demand separate fees for oral and written rounds, which is not disclosed earlier. They do not disclose how many people qualified, or what % qualified. They are very rude people to deal with. The organization of where the exam is held, time for reporting etc. is not communicated properly.
Definitely Boo... you will watch them like how your parents are watching you!! :)
I too have a one year old son, and I always wanted to write a blog... but somehow I dont get that courage to put all my feelings to words, fearing that my honest comments may hurt my loved ones!!
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Happy Birthday Antu!!!!! Can't believe the beautiful girl in the pic is you grown up so much!! Enjoy life and have fun....god bless you..
Boo and I so hear about the 2nd borns..thats exactly what happens in our house too..the 2nd one gets away with anything and everything..
Please start writing again Boo other than Bday updates...
Take care..
Happy Birthday Antu! It has been so much fun seeing you and Ashu grow up ... I even feel that for the very first time I see a very close resemblance between the two in the third and fourth photograph!
and boo, in my home - fighting for all random reasons - ditto - and then when I scream they support each other - ditto me going nuts on what exactly happened now :) - and ofcourse the instant shunning upon reprimand and then a make up with a hug - ditto - more with my son than my daughter. So I feel all glad that somebody else is going nuts the same as I do :) ...
Boo - Was expecting a post today when driving into work, as I remembered the date.
Happy Birthday little Diva - you look gorgeous!
Happy Birthday kutti kamatchi!
hey wait a minute... does that mean baby param turns 5 in a couple of months.
5 is still a baby, no.
happy birthday antu....
oh. this happens here as well. second borns get away scotfree in places where firstborns fear to tread
wow boo, is this antu... grown up so fast..God bless ashu and antu
Abi(three A)
wish your baby a fun filled year!!! and just hope you have more time to write on the blog...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Little Diva !!!
Hooo how adorable she has grown up to be !!!
Glad to see your post Boo !
A trillion kisses to her, Boo.
And you know what, you have a stunner on your hands. I worry more about that as she grows older then the other stuff you know:-)
Happy Birthday Antu. We're proud to know you thru your lovely mama's blog posts.
Happy birthday Antu! You look just like Ashu did....
Belated wishes for Antu and Ashu :)
Hi Boo... I was searching for some articles and came across your blog 10 days ago.. From that day on I am reading your blog right from the first blog...
I enjoyed thoroughly reading your description of your little ones :)
Now I have a feeling that I know your family.. I know your kids... their innocence.. their mischief everything!!
I like the way you narrate the incidents... I noticed that recent years the frequency is very less.. please keep writing about your kids.. I would definitely want to know which subject Ashu and Antu graduates in (!!!) their married life.. their kids... on and on and on....
I hope you would not disappoint me!!
Awwww... her spunkiness shows in each and every one of her pics. She and Tarana share more than just birth order :-)
I registered my child for the Spelling Bee, as another parent from my child's school convinced all of us saying it was good exposure. But soon I found out that this is nothing but a major scam.
The organizers charge huge amounts of money for some books and lectures, which is over and above the exam fees.
They promote children easily to the next level. At each level the fees increase. And there are many many levels before the finals.
They demand separate fees for oral and written rounds, which is not disclosed earlier.
They do not disclose how many people qualified, or what % qualified.
They are very rude people to deal with.
The organization of where the exam is held, time for reporting etc. is not communicated properly.
Thank you everyone for the wishes and kind comments. I do want to write more. Will definitely keep at it! :)
Lakshmi - Welcome and thanks. ha ha at your comment! I dont know if I ll survive that long! ;)
Definitely Boo... you will watch them like how your parents are watching you!! :)
I too have a one year old son, and I always wanted to write a blog... but somehow I dont get that courage to put all my feelings to words, fearing that my honest comments may hurt my loved ones!!
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