Feeb and Kleeaan, Amma.
Thats Feed and Clean, Ashu. Why do you think the arrows are for?
Why, Amma?
Where do I feed Antu?
In her mouth, so up arrow.
And then?
And then you clean the floor because there are crumbs down, so down arrow!!
Kids do have a clean mind, huh? ;)
haha :) cute one
lol! kids!
Soo cute! n he found the rt place to be cleaned ;) eh? LOL
I meant she!! sorryyyyyy
with mottai and t-shirt antu looks quite a vaal paiyyan :)) and ashu is cool!!
Very cute way of thinking :)
I don't remember Ashu's photo with this tee. I tried to google it. No luck. Please linkaavum.
That's way cute :)
i was wondering who the kid in the pic is. and double chked to see i was reading Boo's babytalk.
why do these babies start looking so toddlerish!
Cute and innocent Ashu!
That proves Ashu is a little genius in making ! :)
Very cute picture of Antu. She looks like Vaal ponnu :) Ashu does have a great logical thinking.
cute:) she looks like a lil trouble - that is true to all second kids :)
I remember I remember very well..So what prize am i going to get???is ur photo blog existing now also??
haha very nice one :)
btwn Swiss trip was very nice. Didn't read your blog before leaving. Didn't lan Zurich at all...but atleast would have called you over phone.
Hope you had nice Trip.
That is one cool Tee! And lol at Ashu's interpretation!
ROTFL *100 ..
Go Ashu.. You Rock!
ROTFL *100 ..
Go Ashu.. You Rock!
Is she walking? Or just standing without support. Overnight she seems to have become bigger.
Cute. So you are back. Was the flight back so uneventful that you didn't mention in passing too? Anyway, good for you.
cute t.shirt & cuter explanation:-)
Timepass - you remember? come here and get a hug. even I forgot that it was in my photo blog. Deleted it long back. Will find the photo and upload it.
Oh, she walks now Poppy. Since 2 weeks. My baby has all growed up! :(
Subhashree - Hd irukka bayam yen? :) The flight was ok since the adults to kids ratio was 1:1
thats so cute! :)
Adorable, adorable!
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