Let's get one thing out of the way, Ashu. Whoever coined the phrase "Terrible Twos" did nt live long enough to see the Threes! What a year this has been, huh? I'm sure that if you wrote a letter every year, you would rate me the lowest this year. But since you cant, let everyone hear my side of the story. But to be fair, I remember only the last part of this year clearly and it was nt so much fun. Let me rewind and try now. Oh yes, becoming an Older Sister. You love being an Akka. Theres no doubt about it. And you take the role seriously too. You don't do anything half way through. I love the way you watch out for Antu. How you watch like a hawk when shes playing in you room. Always keeping an eye on her to see if shes putting something in her mouth, if she tries to grab something she should nt,... I love how easily you accepted her into our family. Not that you had a choice but you did nt know that, did you? I can see you cant wait for her to get bigger. You are innocently thinking that she ll be four years soon and play with you forgetting the fact that you ll be seven then and would nt want to do anything with her because shes just a BABY!
You also started Pre School this year. New class, new teachers and new friends. You adjusted quite fast and even made a best friend within a month or so. Your best friend G is a lovely girl and you both compliment each other very well. I love your definitions of a friend. That G helped you carry your lunch box. That G did nt include S but included you in a game. Because you held G's hand. Its also a huge relief that you love school. I was afraid you ll turn out like me and fake tummy ache every morning to get out of going to school. If you did, Im sure I would have decided to home school you. Who wants to get up early in the morning and get ready for school I ask! As a grand daughter, you aced this year. But that's a crown you won even before you were born, is nt it? But I'm glad you spent a lot of time this year with your grand parents, aunt and uncle. Not a lot of little girls your age get that much time with their family. So remember that when you are bawling at the airport while leaving Grandma next time, OK? It does nt make a pretty sight to anyone and the murderous look my father gives me as if Im taking you away from your own mother(duh!) does nt bode well with me or your dad. We both want to live long, got it?
You are very independent. Make that very,very independent. VERY. It just might be a good thing two decades from now for you. But right now, you are just being a pain. Theres independence and then theres independence. Right now,you belong to the latter category. You don't even want to see our lips move to give you any suggestion. 'Wear the red socks, Ashu" and you ll pick up the yellow. "Wear your sweater, Honey" and you ll pick up your winter jacket. "Say thank you" and you ll stare rudely. "Whats the magic word, sweetie?" and you are *this* close to saying "RIGHT NOW?"! And lets not even get started about what a poor eater you are. I give up. You win, happy? Just leave me alone, ok? But no, lifes not that easy for a mom, is it? If I even get a little upset with you, you ll start saying sorry and would nt let me be until I say "Its ok". So there are a million "sorrys" and "its oks" said everyday in this household and Antu has nt even started talking yet, God help me! Just when Im ready to call it quits, you do the most cutest thing or say something so sweet that I just have this overwhelming desire to just eat you up and end this whole drama. Like how you still say "naalaiku" for yesterday instead of "nethikku" even though you can talk nineteen to a dozen and write a whole thesis in Tamil on certain subjects! Like the other day when you got mad at me and said "You are not my friend forever Amma" and walked off to your room. But a little later, you loudly announced "I have to go to the bathroom, Amma. I need your help when I'm finished. But you are not my friend, ok? But you have to help me, ok?" I know you did nt like it when I laughed aloud like that, but believe me it was utterly funny!
I love you, Ashu. The greatest thing about this year is that you know that I love you and that feeling is awesome. Thank you my dear girl, for making my life so colorful and please remember that not only do I love you but I ll love you always. Forever and ever and ever. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Ashu :) May you have a fun, interesting, healthy and happy year ahead so much so that it makes your mother write many many posts bursting with happiness :)
Happy Birthday Ashu!! Now you are done with the so called Terrible Threes, now on to Fantastic Four. Next year your Mom will be raving about you all the more. Enjoy this year and forever with your family. And yes keep us posted on how you celebrated your BIG DAY.
BTW, the pictures accompanying the posts are cute. But the cutest being the last one. Very well taken Photographer Mommy :)
Happy Birthday Ashu! May you have a fun filled birthday and of course many a countless funny moments with your family.
Many many many happy returns on
your birthday Ashu dear!
Looking choooooo cute in the last pic!
Have a great day and year Ashu!
Happy birthday, darling girl!
many many happy returns of the day
Happy Birthday Darling! Wish I was there! Can't believe you are 4 already!
Happy Birthday Ashu! Can't wait to read about your b'day party & of course look at your wonderful pictures. Enjoy! Have fun with antu.
Hi Ashu, Many many happy returns of the day :)
Happy Birthday to Ashu. Btw, the fours aren't much different either :)
li'l Ashu is FOUR??? can that be real?! why am I having such a hard time accepting my fav blog kids b'days!
Happy B'day Sweetie, save us some cake, okay?
Happy Birthday, dear Ashu. Those are some lovely pix of a beeyootiful girl. Many, many happy returns, dearie.
Wish you a very Happy and Fun-filled Birthday, Ashu! Beautiful Pictures! Enjoy and Have Fun!
Happy Bday Ashu. Have lots of fun and all the best for a wonderful year. My daughter shares her bday with yours..
Congrats Mom and Happy B'day Ashu!
Happy happy gorgeous!
Happy Birthday Ashu! :)
have a brilliant year ahead!
and great stuff, this letter, mommy! :D
Happy Birthday Ashu! Here's wishing you many many years of happiness.
Please do tell mom there is another brat who had a fantastic Twos, a tolerable Threes and a currently running Terrible Fours!.
Happy Birthday, Ashu! Hope you have a great year :))
Wow. 4 y.e.a.r.s o.l.d! Amazing! I haven't read the letter in full Boo, but when I had the chance, I wanted to write in and wish her a very happy birthday. And you too. :)
Happy Birthday,Ashu . Cant believe she is four already !!!
Many Happy Returns Little Ashu..... God Bless.....
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy B'day to Ashu! I've been following ur blog for quite sometime and must say, its wonderful!
May God Bless you!
happy birthday ashu!! today is my star birthday
i think my mother too would write a similar letter about me- at least the stubborn and loving bit- though i am not half as cute as u
LOVE the last snap!!
Happy birthday Ashu. :)
Did she have a party this year? :)
awww...Happy Birthday Ashu! You're one feisty, adorable lil girl and the bestest sis that Antu can have :) Gob belss ya, baby!
the terrible twos began for us sometime at 18 months and is getting stronger. your post reminds me that next year will be more fun. Sigh. btw, why do kids always push us to the limit and just when we're about to erupt do something utterly cute?? how do they KNOW?
Happy Birthday Ashu. You look gorgeous!
Mum: I am a long time lurker, leaving my comment for the first time though! Have enjoyed all your posts!
Belated Happy Birthday Ashu :)
thank you everyone. all your wishes made our day! There was a class party on her bday. Theres a kiddie bday bash next monday and then another one in the weekend with close friends and family. Will post the details once we are done with all the partying! :D
Happy birthday, dear Ashu.
God bless!
Asbu is now a big girl, Amma, don't mess with her:)
Happy birthday Ashu.
Belated birthday wishes to the darling girl
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