Check out what the Indian Mommies are upto at

September 17, 2008

The title of this post is the same as my previous post.

Time: Yesterday.
Place: Booville.

Me - So Ashu, Paati is leaving tomorrow huh?
Ashu - *silence*
Me - So who's going to be here?
Ashu - Thatha.
Me - And when is he leaving?
Ashu - October.
Me - Yes. Perimma and Perippa came right? And then they left. Paati came and shes leaving tomorrow. Thatha came last week. And he ll be leaving soon too. And THEN?
Ashu - *in an eager voice* Then Antu will go back into your tummy?
Me - !!!!!!

As the wise Pasupathi once told, "That that person. Their their worry."(Avan avanukku avan avan kavalai!!!)

Yes, mom left today and I stepped into the kitchen to make tea for the first time in 3 months. I know. I'm spoilt rotten. But its time to stop being a pampered daughter and pick up the reins. And Im trying to do just that. Vera vazhi?


Anonymous said...

Ohh.. my precious little niece.. She always knows to ask the right question!!

Anonymous said...

LOL at her question.

PS:I know how hard it is once the family leaves. There is a sense of emptiness , it takes(at least for me) a week to get over it. HUGS

Anusha said...

lol! you gotto credit her rational thinking!
and, I totally feel your pain - my time is ticking. have you guys moved apartments yet?

L said...

Neengalae vamba velaikku vaangina
madiri illa irukku!!!!!! :-)


B o o said...

YY - Mebbe you trained her. After all one cant trust these older siblings that much, can we? :)

Asaaan - My moms a specimen, I tell ya. The house is so silent even though we are 5 people at home now. Shes like a hurricane, in a good way! :(

Kodis mom - Apartment? Thats worth another post. No luck so far and we are staying put in the same flat. Thankfully, the agent agreed when we took back our notice. Phew! Otherwise we would ve been truly c/o platform!

Laks - I thought I was preparing her. Kids!

rayshma said...

LOL!!! :D

Shobana said...

That that man, that that work! (Magalir mattum). What to do? to go clean the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Ashu! You are simply great!

btw Boo! you have been tagged!

Maggie said...

Hugs. I know how it feels to have Mom go back.

Anonymous said...

very nice blog. what adorable children you have :) and wow entering the kithen after 3 months!!
and very true that. -"avan avan.." line :)

Preethi said...

haha!! yes avan avanukku avan avan kavalai thaan!!! :) cute!!

sansmerci said...

rofl!!!!!! :) m smilin .. smilin .. smilin for a long time since i read tht now... kids can b crazily cute!

Anonymous said...

Some logical thinking,that ! You know Boo , looking at it purely in a sense of humor angle , its amma 8 ft : kutty 16 ft types. :)))

Artnavy said...


as usual you cannot question ashu's logic

went to ashu's aunt's blog for the first time- charming

going to check what ticket to ride is about

Unknown said...

for someone who makes aloo tikki chaat with effortless ease, chai should not be a bit of bother..



anantha-krishnan said...

your blog is amazing.. :)) love ur style !

Anonymous said...

Oh dear... She's so sweet...

And you too. It's so painful when mom leaves home. I went through the same recently and entered kitchen after 5 months. Moms really exist to spoil daughters. But its all worth...

Let me tell you (don't tell my mom) **cough**.. Actually it wasn't as bad as I expected. A new mom feeling gave me the strength and it was quite nice to take control of the house!!!

dipali said...

All the best at your fresh stint at managing the house with two kids and no Paati in it! Ashu's logic is impeccable:)

DotThoughts said...

holiday over?? that sucks.. you are not a spoilt duaghter, just an overworked mom who got a well deserved break. So, where's Antu?? Ashu is sooooooooo funny. Like mother, like daughter!

UndeniablyBlah said...


Anonymous said...

:))))) ...

Reva said...

ha ha.. Ashu is fun:)
Hope u're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

you cannot fault her reasoning, can u?!

Anonymous said...

True true..

Vera vazhi irrundaana plizz to let me know. Am going to be sailing in the same boat starting next week!

Mama - Mia said...

wow!! the "go back in the tunny" wish still continues huh?!

and being pampered ocassionally hardly qualifies as spolit! you deserved all that lovin, carin and attention! :)

heres to even better times ahead!



SUR NOTES said...

"That that person. Their their worry"
my gosh, thats the wisest, loveliest thing i have read all day, no no, all week...probably in a long time.

and ashu's worry...well, from one mommy to another, with tears in eyes a la all mothers, that is so evocative and touching.

ps, i know this is not good blogger etiquette- you in zurich or geneva?

SUR NOTES said...

feeling EXTREMELY foolish. just saw your location on your profile!

will mail you...

Dee said...

long time no post....everything ok ?

Me said...

Boo romba naala no posts? everything ok?

B o o said...

Dee and Me - Just posted. Even I started missing my posts! ;)

Vinayak said...

I used your translation as my Facebook status. :)

baby growth
