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November 13, 2007

Diwali Bakshanams, Weekend Party and a Movie.

Whats Diwali if you are not in India? Hence no posts from me. Especially since Ashu had celebrated her first 2 Diwalis in India, this year was all the more disappointing. Hd had bought few dresses for her from London and that was it. And oh, my lame attempt to make Diwali Bakshanams. Since I was planning to make Gulab Jamuns for the party in the weekend, I decided to make Thirati Paal. That came out OK actually. Then my mom had to ask me what savoury Im making and insisted that I have to deep fry something in oil for Diwali. I should have stuck to Papads. But no, I thought Maida biscuits and Banana biscuits would be the easiest. So saw recipes, made the dough and just before rolling out, remembered that I do NOT have a rolling pin. I forgot to bring it from India and never got around to buying here. What self respecting house wife would nt have a chapathi kuzhavi, you ask? Say Hello to your friendly neighborhood blogger - Me! I could nt believe I could be this stupid! Then wondered what to do and started rummaging the kitchen draws and shelves to look gor a rolling pin look alike. Nothing! Then stumbled on a pair of wooden chop sticks that Hd had flicked from a Chinese restaurant. and yes, ladies and gentlemen, I used a chopstick to roll out the dough and though the banana biscuits were so-so, the maida biscuits turned out to be yummy! My wrist is still hurting though, with all the chop stick rolling! (Have you finished laughing yet?) My mom would be proud of me, so laugh all you want!

The office party on Saturday was fun though. Loads of food, my jamun, pasta and curd rice was appreciated. A friend did a small puppet show for the kids, another friend brought sparklers which was lit in the balcony. It was close to -5* C with terrible wind chill and it was quite an experience. The four kids all below the age of 4, were nt intimidated though. Between them, they emptied half a dozen packets of sparklers! By 9.30, the kids went to sleep one by one and we 12 adults played 3 card poker and gambled. I play cards but do not gamble except with close family and that too a meagre Rs.1 or Rs.2 bets, that's all. So this 1 Franc and 2 Franc bets put me off. I decided to team up with Hd instead and blame him if he lost any money. But luck was on "our" side and "we" won loads of money in the first few rounds and then "Hd" lost most of the money as "we" did nt want our friends money anyway! ;) But we played for hours until 1.00 am and I had so much fun after a long, long time!

Could nt sleep long on Sunday as we had a 11 am show to catch. Om Shanthi Om! Hd and Ashu stayed home while I joined 3 of my friends to watch the movie. The movie was nt great but then with us 4 gals, any movie would have been fun. We were just goofing around and laughing aloud sharing our own private jokes! I had read Nehas review of the movie before I watched it and was wondering how badly they would have spoofed the Tamil movie shot. But got to be honest, I laughed the hardest for that scene and every time SRK said, "Rascal aa! Mind it!", I was rolling on the floor and I had tears in my eyes. I dont know why that silly scene cracked me up so much. It was hilarious! I liked Main Hoon Na except the dragging climax. OSO was as good as MHN or as bad as MHN, if you did nt like it.


Anonymous said...

Chopstick rolling! Ha , ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

hey not bad boo...chopstix is innovative man..and the double bonus of having it come out well..thats cool...tried thirati paal for the first time this year..but that too coz my ma knowing me mailed me the microwave recipe for it..i know i know..!
happy diwali!

Laksh said...

nice! was smiling for a long time reading your chopstick rolling efforts. on a different note loved the pallankuzhi pic in your pic blog.

Anonymous said...

Banana biscuit! Never heard of it! Chopstick rolling! Can't stop laughing..

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

LOL about the chopsticks, only you could have done that Boo :) Happy Deepavali and by all accounts you had a great one. Gambling aa? *wiggles eyebrows*

I have not seen OSO yet, still thinking if I should take the plunge.

Daisy said...

chopsticks as chappathi kozhavis??ROTFL!! what creativity!!

BTW, I was rolling on the floor when SRK was spoofing tamizh moves too .. was too funny.. BTW, I loveeeeeeeeeeeed the movie.I havent watched MHN and now I want too..

Anonymous said...

Banana biscuits :O

never heard of it

recipe please :D


Anonymous said...

Belated diwali wishes.amazing creativity or rather presence of mind to use chopsticks to roll..from reading ur previous posts, it looks like u r an xpert in making pastas. i love it.

Suni said...

Belated Wishes to you Boo and also to HD and little Ashu. Chopsticks as rolling pins? very innovative!! but the end justifies the means...doesnt it? :) congrats for making yummy maida and banana biscuits...and as someone has pointed please! :)

Anonymous said...

Still laughing about the chopsticks :) well done

Dee said...

the chopstick rolling got me ...LOL!

IBH said...

really???;))) why didnt u take a vidoe of the same and enlighten us how u did it with a chopstick? i mean really ??:)))

kai next rendu nalaikku eppadi irundhadhu?:)))

Timepass said...

Boo, u are highly creative.. Chopsticks used as a substitute to rolling pin is something unheard of!

Shobana said...

I am still laughing at that chopstick rolling, but I must give u a bug hooray for the creativity (the wrists may not think so). I think all that effort made those bisuits taste even better, right?
Anyway, wishing the Boo family a very happy, belated diwali.

Anonymous said...

chopsticksla maida biscuitsaa - summa reel udara!
belated diwali wishes.

Collection Of Stars said...

Chopsticks as rolling pins? LOL :)
Overall, looks like you had a great Diwali - with the gambling, lighting sparklers and watching OSO :)

Choxbox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Savani said...


The Inquisitive Akka said...

Could you tell me where you got the recipe for the maida and banana biscuits? I would love to try it out!

baby growth
