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July 17, 2007

Heaven is...

... sitting alone on a bench under the shade of a tree on a hot, sunny day eating juicy, ripe, red plums, drinking freshly squeezed, chilled orange juice and looking at the graceful Swans floating in the clear, blue lake by the hills while (this is the most important part!) the husband slogs away at work and daughter tries to settle in her new playschool.

Life, as they say, is beautiful! :)


Anonymous said...

your post and picture reminded me of my days working in geneva and the lovely Swiss summer days, sitting by the lake eating lunch.

Anonymous said...

Can't recall the last time I took a vacation. Or just few hours off from work, home to enjoy a serene space.

Terri the terrific said...

Wha...?!! Whatever happened to the maternal guilt that was bothering you the first week of school?

Welcome to the club ;)

Unknown said...

guess from now on no more Polambals from you!


Sunita Venkatachalam said...

Oh I am so coming to Switzerland !

timepass said...

Boo, I must admit I got fooled by the first few sentences of ur post. Reminded me of Tharini's Father's day post. On reading the last few sentences only, I realised that its a one man day out...

B o o said...

MG - Lakes are really something. Usually, I feel so bored if I dont have a book with me. But only this time I realised I can sit for hours by a lake side and just watch the world go by.

Rbdans - Time to plan a trip here. May be in a couple of months once Dlittle is a little bigger? :)

Terri - Oh,ho! You caught me! ;)

Sundar - Dont bet on that! Ashu is not being consistent. Yesterday, she cried a lot in the day care it seems! Life is not always beautiful you know? So I as well flaunt the little moments I get! :)

Poppins - Lets just say, you would nt disappointed! :)

Timepass - LOL! More like a 2 hours out!

Shammi said...

Boo, I'm as green as a Granny Smith apple with jealousy! :) Enjoy the peace while you can!

the mad momma said...

humph. no lakes for me to sit by after the brat goes..if he goes!!

The Visitor said...


ashok said...


Cee Kay said...


Tagged you...

By Deepa and Supriya said...

:)...enjoy boo!

anantha said...


mommyof2 said...


The Visitor said...

This aint good enough Boo. LOL

Anonymous said...

... A true free moment there ...

Happy colorful autumn for you boo!

rads said...

lol, perfect :)

baby growth
