Dearest Antu,

15 is a nice round number. No pressure of the 16 yet. Not too far from 13. One can get away with pretty much anything. One is either “such a responsible kid at such a young age” or “they will grow up and learn." You are a mix of both and being a second born, have the added benefit of parents taking it easy after losing it miserably in the first round. You are lucky in a hundred different ways but none of them as beneficial as having a rocking sister who has paved your way for you with rose petals while she has to forge her own path. Its a blessing and a curse to have a perfect sibling. Ask me. But you are dealing with it much admirably than I did. I still struggle. May you both remain close and be there for each other long after I am just a traumatic memory you bring up to your respective therapists!

Convey my wishes to Antu !
Happy Birthday Antu!
All the photos are excellent but the second photo is super cool
Let's hope for a Taylor Swift concert in NYC for your 18th birthday :)
It is so awesome that you have continued to write and in the same wonderful way when i first read your blog( already a few years old by then ) in 2006. Most of the ones i was following locked out and some I just stopped following, but yours continued with the same positive vibe.
This was a lovely blog posst
It's wonderful to hear about all your travels this past year.
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