On Tuesday, it was match day in Zurich. (France Vs Italy) So roads were closed, traffic diverted, traffic jams and all the works. Reached the school 10 minutes late by which time Ashu had slept. Also, I had made the mistake of telling her the previous day that she ll go to big class from August with different teachers which she did nt like. So she started crying when I left her in the class. That's a first in months! Anyway, Ms.S carried her off and I decided to do some shopping nearby rather than going home and coming back in the bad traffic. Picked her up at 3. She told me that she wants Miss.M and Miss.S as her teachers and does nt want a new teacher. Oh Boy! I said OK and left it at that!
No school on Wednesday. Cooked, cleaned and prepared Ashu for the teddy bear picnic the next day in school and asked her to choose a bear. She chose her care bear.
I wanted to do something special with just the 3 of us together yesterday but did nt work out. Because technically, it was the last day with just the 3 of us. My mom arrives tonight(Yippeee!) and in less than two weeks, the baby will be here and we will no longer be a family of 3. Sigh! Planning to go out in the evening. But theres loads of shopping and cleaning to do that I don't know if we ll have the time. Well, the thought counts. Speaking of which, I don't think we are going to be a "perfect" family once the baby is here. Whats with wishing "Oh, your family is perfect now" after the second baby arrives? I think we were a pretty perfect family with just Hd and I, then with Ashu too. It was a perfect family when my sis and I were kids and for that matter, I think it was more perfect before I was born! *evil grin* I don't think this baby has to come into this world with the baggage of making my imperfect family perfect! I don't think theres any agenda attached actually. The first child was well, we wanted to see what a baby is actually like and whether we can produce one. Then I did nt want to have another one. Neither did Hd. Hes an only child and he said he did nt miss any sibling and he did nt think Ashu needed a sibling. I was nt too keen either. I thought I would be a better "mom of one" rather than a "mom of two". But once Ashu was 2 1/2, I started telling Hd, "I don't want one. But if you want one, lets just get it over with. I don't want to wait until Im 35". And he was like "I don't want one. But if you want, I am ready!" (Of course you would be dear!) Then we both said what the heck and decided to get pregnant. Because we can. That's all there is to it. So its "We wanted to see what a baby is like and how good are we as parents" if Ashu asks why she came into existence and "Because we can have unprotected sex and no one can question us" to answer baby no 2. And then, they lived happily ever after. The End.
well..well :)
So its "We wanted to see what a baby is like and how good are we as parents" if Ashu asks why she came into existence and "Because we can have unprotected sex and no one can question us" to answer baby no 2. And then, they lived happily ever after. The End.
LOL! My coworkers were startled a minute ago when I started laughing out loud here.
Have fun! And just so know that you do have silent readers :)
Best wishes for the good times ahead.
You are so funny Boo!
All sentimental one second and the next you are such a comic.
Was a fun fun post.
I am praying to god Ashu hasn't learnt to read this yet :)
ROFTL ! boo you totally rock !!! I guess your view of this one vs.two is probably the only true thingy there is and I love it :)Good wishes to the soon to be puhhfect family ;)
Ha ha ha!!! Unbelievable! Even if I'd ever THINK such a thought, no way on earth would I ever admit it, forget about putting it in print!!!
Enjoy with ur mommie and get ready to be a mommie another time! All the best!!
lol good one :) best wishes Boo.
The last line was too good and I laughed out so loud that the man sleeping on the sofa enjoying his afternoon nap woke up and wondered why his missus was laughing to herself!!
Wishing you happy times with your mom.Enjoy the pampering...
I loved your answers to why baby no.1 and no.2!
Good ones:)
haha, that's hilarious :) why you had the babies.
your reasoning of having babies is very similar to mine :) For the first baby I had one more reason though - " I am getting bored, so I better have a baby" . As for the second, I am saying the same reason to G, that if he wants a second one, I better have it now and finish off rather than waiting for long :) That was quite a funny post :)
welcome baby 2!
loved the post, feeds into my incomprehension of argument that baby 2 is to because baby 1 needs company.
and also, my incomprehension of one child family is an incomplete family.
i was an only child, family felt very complete. and i continued to feel complete before marriage, before one child and after one child.
all the best to the mommy, the father and ashu who must be very impatient to receive baby 2 into their hearts.
Lol boo.. That's so true you know!
Making the family perfect! Ouch!! I know where you're coming from...I am an only child and I thought we were perfect...
LOL...thats such an honest no BS reason on why u had babies..u crack me up Boo!!
hahaha...your trademark last para :)we're kinda in the same stage right now and may take a year to decide...AND my husband is a single kid too..
Anush is missing her earlier teacher terribly as well
and while on perfection- Your writing is also perfect
Totally Boo style :) You are hilarious!
Now that mom's here, is Pinocchio showing any signs of arrival? Wonder what's going on in MaggieLand.
just two more weeks!! wow!! :p
ashu's school and teachers sound so perfect! potted plants and collages! thats so sweet! :)
many happy times to the soon to be square!! :p
I have come across this blog through a comment made on mine - You are so funny in your writing, I really enjoyed reading.
That was quite some reason :) I am sure most of us can relate to it :)
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