2. How you like to learn and grow in this relationship. How you constantly tune into my needs and satisfy them. How you are just so perfect. For me.
3. I will always, always remember the time you got me that beautiful necklace for my birthday 6 years back but without the matching ear rings and then told me, we can go and get the ear rings later in the evening if I like the necklace as the store policy is against returning ear rings. How thoughtful was that! And I loved you more since the necklace was just perfect. I realize now that these little things are which make or break a relationship. And come what may, "We ll always have the Necklace". :) Well, at least I ll have it! (and the matching earrings!)
4. That you have let me believe that your family is more important to you than work and given a chance you would spend your day with us than at work. It might or might not be true and honestly I don't care. I just need that reassurance and I'm glad you know that.

6. That I don't have to think twice before telling you something. The biggest reason why I love you has to be this one. Calling you a moron, myself a fatso, our daughter a genius, my sister bossy, my Bil hen pecked, my mom horrible, my dad a jerk, your parents loony bins, ... and lets not even go near our friends. (yes, bloggers included! ;) OK now the whole world knows but then we have more dirt on them than these, don't we? One person I don't have to pretend with. Ever. Ah, the bliss!
7. Ashus puppy dog devotion to you only makes me love you more, if that's possible.
8. That it took me less than 10 minutes to write this list.
I ll stop this list with eight things. For now.
Happy 8th Anniversary, Darling! :)
lol about 6!!
nice list...Happy Anniversary !
What a sweet pot you got there!
Happy Anniversary to you!! have loads of fun!
Loved 6 :).. happy anniversary..have a great day..
What does it take for you to start talking and revealing some home truths about people - wine, whisky / something else ? just asking..
**note to self ** - dont rub Boo the wrong way :)
Happy Anniversary n many more to come!
I loved 5, probably because its something I expect too! (And rarely get I might add.) ;-)
Happy Anniversary to both of you!
Happy Anniversary.
8 years... lovely! And such an inimitably Boo-style wish :-)
Happy 8th anniversary - here's to many, many, many more wonderful years together.
Happy Anniversary BOO!!!I jus love ur post!!U r amazing!!
Happy Anniv you two :) The reasons were all beautiful..funny some maybe but beautiful none the less.
happy 8th and here's to many more!
Happy, happy anniversary! What a cute post. ROTFL @6
A very happy anniversary to the two of you. wishing you many more years of happy togetherness. very nice post.
Ha ha.. that was so cute..
Happy Anniversary..
So what did Ashu get for the special day?! ;)
Happy Anniversary!
Couldn't you have found something else for Point 6.. Grrr..
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary Boo!
Happy Anniversary Boo!
This is an awesome post. One of the best blog posts on my list.... BTW, Are you turning predictable? Do we expect 9 pts for the next already?
A very Happy 8th Anniversary Boo !!
I hope to be there to wish you each year with the growing list ;)
happy 8th anniversary.hope u hv an enjoyable day.
Happy, happy Anniversary! And many many more to come! Great list! :)
Happy Anniversary :) and here's to many many more.
Have a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary Boo :)
Beautiful piece, very heartfelt. Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy anniversary Boo.
Boo, Happy anniversary and WE celebrate our 6th :-)
Best Wishes
Such a lovely list, Boo. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, and big hugs to Ashu and the sibling within and their Mommy.
Happy Anniversary... Wish you many more such ones in future!
Happy anniversary!
And I am going to make my husband read this list right away! So that he understands the small things women appreciate in a relationship ;)
aww.. too cute Boo. SO unlike you to go all mushy! Congratulations. i want to read 80 points someday. :D hopefully we and our blogs will still be around...
If my wife (wherever she is..) feels half of this towards me, Ill consider myself Lucky. Happy 80th anniversary in advance!
Congratulations to you both!!
Loads of wishes for many more happy ones!!
Happy anniversary!
wondered what the mushy list was all about!! happy anniversary boo!! and what a lovely, belated gift is waiting for you in just a few weeks' time!
Though belated but still
Happy anniversary to both of you and may there be many many more too:-)
Happy Anniversary! Nice Post Boo.
Happy Anniv boo......
Happy Anniversay Boo!! That was such a cute post!
Thanks all of you! Your wishes made my day! :)
How cute! Many Many Happy Returns!!
happy anniv, belated hi sahi!!
wishing you guys many many more years of bliss!! :)
i kept nodding through it! My man will get an extra hug tight hug today thanx to your letter! :)
My belated wishes too :)
Love-filled and lovely post. May your reasons to love him go on increasing. My best wishes :)
this is beautiful boo!
happy belated 8th.. wishing you happiness always..
First Time Here! Wonderful list and belated Wishes :)
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