Is it just in Switzerland? I never had to be with a full bladder for the ultrasounds. In fact, every time I go for a check up/ultrasound, the first thing I am asked to do is to use the restroom.
There are wide screen plasma TVs hung on the wall where you get to see the avocado size baby sneezing in 3D. In color. (More like Sepia tone, actually!)
Not the Zurich hospital, but the hospital in Basel where I went for pre natal check ups and labor last time is a beautiful place. The lobbies are like that of a 5 star hotel, the facilities first rate, very good care and very friendly Midwives and Doctors. They are nt fluent in English but they try. Though the current hospital is not as huge as the previous one, I am satisfied with the care so far. I hope the labor rooms are good too.
The hospital is very close to home. Hd was held in a meeting during the last check up and I drove to the hospital by myself along with Ashu in less than 10 minutes without getting lost! That's a first! :)
Ashu sat near me on the bed when the Doctor was doing the ultrasound and screamed "Pinocchio baby" as soon as the baby appeared on the screen. "Look at the head Amma", she chipped in. The Doctor was quite amused. May be I should take her into the labor room instead of Hd. She sure seems to know a lot more than him!!
I gained about 7 kilos during the last pregnancy and promptly lost the same the very day I delivered the baby. Its another issue that I gained around 10 kilos in the next year!! The trend has been similar so far. I lost some weight in the first trimester and started gaining in the second. Of course, I am overweight enough to carry quadruplets! But we are just talking about pregnancy weight gain, are nt we?
I threw up only once during the last pregnancy and that was when the plane I was traveling on landed in Zurich from Barcelona. Hd was also in the verge of getting sick because of the turbulent flight, so no blaming my pregnancy then. And this time while coming back from San Diego by car. Blame it on the over ripen banana that Ashu was eating. Ewww....
Other similarities:
Snow Sledging while pregnant - Check
A long haul flight to India/US and back to Swiss - Check
Sight seeing to Barcelona/Mexico - Check
Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Check, check and check. (And this time, a ship too.)
6 weeks of pampering with Moms food - Check
Cramps in the calf muscle while sleeping - Check
And oh, Girl baby - Check! :)
The hospital is very close to home. Hd was held in a meeting during the last check up and I drove to the hospital by myself along with Ashu in less than 10 minutes without getting lost! That's a first! :)
Ashu sat near me on the bed when the Doctor was doing the ultrasound and screamed "Pinocchio baby" as soon as the baby appeared on the screen. "Look at the head Amma", she chipped in. The Doctor was quite amused. May be I should take her into the labor room instead of Hd. She sure seems to know a lot more than him!!
I gained about 7 kilos during the last pregnancy and promptly lost the same the very day I delivered the baby. Its another issue that I gained around 10 kilos in the next year!! The trend has been similar so far. I lost some weight in the first trimester and started gaining in the second. Of course, I am overweight enough to carry quadruplets! But we are just talking about pregnancy weight gain, are nt we?
I threw up only once during the last pregnancy and that was when the plane I was traveling on landed in Zurich from Barcelona. Hd was also in the verge of getting sick because of the turbulent flight, so no blaming my pregnancy then. And this time while coming back from San Diego by car. Blame it on the over ripen banana that Ashu was eating. Ewww....
Other similarities:
Snow Sledging while pregnant - Check
A long haul flight to India/US and back to Swiss - Check
Sight seeing to Barcelona/Mexico - Check
Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Check, check and check. (And this time, a ship too.)
6 weeks of pampering with Moms food - Check
Cramps in the calf muscle while sleeping - Check
And oh, Girl baby - Check! :)
Thatz a cute post!
Aww you lucky thing - no puking! How I'd love to be in that situ. Am still throwing up to win Olympic Gold. sigh
Yeah I was asked to go with a full bladder for my first scan too. Radiographer pressed the doofus hard on to my tummy and surrounding region, looked at the screen and went "oooh, that's a nice full bladder!" Er, you're telling me! Joke came two mins later when the baby was upside down and she wanted to me to "do a little wee!"
first couple of months i had to go on a full bladder... and lets not talk abt weight gain. i have a pair of leather pants that i might never wear again!
Boo!!!! Is this your way of telling us that Ashu's having a little sis ? :-)
I don't remember about my ultrasound when I had brat. But while doing an ultrasound for the baby, I was asked to empty my bladder. Good that you don't have morning sickness. Life would be a totally different ballgame with morning sickness and taking care of Ashu would be very challenging. Great going!
Yeah, the amniotic fluid is enough - there's no need for a full bladder to get better image definition.
I had Moppet in Bombay, at what is considered to be a fairly spiffy hospital, but the one here just blows my mind - it really is more like a luxury hotel than a hospital! So far, I like what I've seen of the care and service too.
Your second time seems more or less like the first - by which I infer (totally irrationally) that baby Pinnochio will be a lot like Ashu! How lucky can you get? :-D
Very cute update. Loved the last line!
Swiz hospital definitely sound so coool...
boo, I dont know if too early to ask or if its inappropriate to ask (in which case answer as "no comments" please!) ... But I am genuinely curious. Will you opt a water tub - natural birth this time? Do you really think it reduces pain, and reduces amount of tear (I heard zero tear in water births!) The idea is picking up in India, I know it was very popular in USA, how is it in Swiss? Will you get that option? Will you want to? Sorry if this is too prying. If no, can you tell me why from your experience based point of view? Is that really rare cases theory? Or does it make sense?! I have no idea. But I am curious, really.
What about those breathing exercises? Do they make sense? Will you try this time? Was it Lamaz? or Pranayama? Or it is too much to expect from ourselves at the 11th hour panic?
blogging the last time around?? is that a check too??
and tell me how does it work with babies born in the swiss do they get citizenship?? just curious
you snow sled while pregnant? you snow sled while pregnant? and all this while I was patting my back for caulking the bathroom. I am envying you as you describe the hospitals. 3-d color ultrasounds? Can I come to your next appt?
You should be lucky.. I puked till my delivery.. I gained just 6kg and my baby was 3.2kg when delivered. Eating favorite dish and throwing it within a few second while still being hungry is an unpleasant feeling...
A baby girl, again? Congratulations! I hope she gets Ashu's curls.
On a side note, do get a male dog to balance out the testosterone level in the household.
Cute post :)
I see that there is no change to 'Pinocchio'! LOL :)
I've been trying and trying to leave a comment but damn blogger won't let me !
I'm so excited that Ashu is so excited, she's going to be one bossy and loving elder sister :)
Snow Sledging while pregnant ? Awesome. Calf cramps - aargh arent they annoying?
Not more than heartburn, do you have that?
Trust me, you will never fully prepare for delivery.Pain over rides the preparation. Atleast in my case. I did went to Lamaz class and all I did is scream :-))
You do believe in having eventful pregnancies, don't you :)
Very sweet, Boo!
sneaky, sneaky. putting in the girl baby bit right at the very end. Congratulations!!! Sisters share an enviable bond and i'm happy for yr lil anshu.
Yes, the full bladder thing happens in blore too.
oops! i meant to write ashu not anshu :)
wow- a litle girl - very happening & cool pregnancy you have on there.
take care !
Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you, we're doing shows in Zurich now. At the Schauspeigel Hause (I don't think I got the name right).
We're on for the rest of the month and yes, I'm performing in English in Zurich. Just in case you felt like coming.
My comment was diff. Was chatting with a 62 yr-old the other day and I asked her if she'd had problems coming to the theatre. Her response: "This is Zurich, there, is no chaos." We had a good laugh over that. Your description of the hospital reminded me of this one.
That's a cute post. Wish we didn't have to go with full bladders here - the ultrasound clinic is always running late so you can imagine my plight, what with (whispers...bladder control) after 2 kids...Of course, after going through this torture, I had to wait some more last time because the baby was busy doing headstands. Ulp!!
And I love your new header.
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