My Dearest,
How can time freeze and fly at the same time? I feel your twos has just gone in a blur but so much has happened in this year that I also feel it has been years since you turned two! The first thing that comes to my mind is school. You started day care just after you turned two and hated it. I hated sending you too, if it means anything to you. Thankfully, the India trip happened and once we came back to Zurich after a fun filled two months with the grand parents, you started play school and after a shaky start, you started liking it. You cant believe what a relief that was to me. Even today, Im crossing my fingers while dropping you at school. I know parents relive their childhood through their children but please do not make me go through this. My time is over, get it?
Two trips to the US happened this year, one after your 2nd Birthday and another one just before your 3rd. Your Aunt and Uncle are of course the only direct relatives you have and its only natural that you think the world of them. But I got to say I am so grateful to you for the love you shower on them. It makes us sisters bond more and also lets me watch TV in peace while you are pestering your Aunt to tell her a story while shes working from home! And the funny thing is, she does! And you do know that you have got her twisted around your little finger, you cheeky you! I see that sly smile of yours and how you run to her while I am scolding you for something you did. It does lighten my mood when you do that but Im also telling myself "Wait till you get home, you brat!" So be afraid my dear, very afraid! Ask your V Thatha if I am lying. For all the running I did to escape your Thathas wrath, it did nt do me any good once we were home. And how can I not mention the grand parents? You have to prefix their names even while talking to them and you only call them as V Thatha, S Thatha, R Paati and P Paati. You are a natural and you charm their pants off no matter what you do. Yeah, your paternal grandma does make you work a little more harder but let me assure you that its totally worth it. You got to make it for your mother who has miserably failed in that department. ;)
So we spent this year too without a night away from each other. That makes it 3 years in a row and the suspense is killing me. May be the night you are going to be a big sister? Oh, the thought makes me excited and scared at the same time. But don't worry if you see me screaming dear. You ll understand one day. Im sure nothing is going to change in three decades when it comes to child birth. Billions will be spent on producing an artificial uterus, sperm from women, cloning and probably a 20 blade razor for men for that ever elusive clean shave but labor pain will always be just that. Laborious P.A.I.N. And if this scares you then stay away from boys. And Men.
How can time freeze and fly at the same time? I feel your twos has just gone in a blur but so much has happened in this year that I also feel it has been years since you turned two! The first thing that comes to my mind is school. You started day care just after you turned two and hated it. I hated sending you too, if it means anything to you. Thankfully, the India trip happened and once we came back to Zurich after a fun filled two months with the grand parents, you started play school and after a shaky start, you started liking it. You cant believe what a relief that was to me. Even today, Im crossing my fingers while dropping you at school. I know parents relive their childhood through their children but please do not make me go through this. My time is over, get it?
So we spent this year too without a night away from each other. That makes it 3 years in a row and the suspense is killing me. May be the night you are going to be a big sister? Oh, the thought makes me excited and scared at the same time. But don't worry if you see me screaming dear. You ll understand one day. Im sure nothing is going to change in three decades when it comes to child birth. Billions will be spent on producing an artificial uterus, sperm from women, cloning and probably a 20 blade razor for men for that ever elusive clean shave but labor pain will always be just that. Laborious P.A.I.N. And if this scares you then stay away from boys. And Men.

Until seven months back, your dad and I were nt even thinking about a second child and even the thought of making you a big sister was heart breaking. How can someone so small and fragile can become a BIG sis? How can you, the apple of my eye, become one of my eyes? How much ever we say that we want two kids so that they can grow together and have each other for the rest of their lives, its just one of the reasons. Not THE reason. I mean, lets face it! Would I have even shared the same bed with your dad if you were nt the angel that you are? Whatever shortcomings the guy has, he sure produced a good kid! I know its not from my side of the genes! So you are the sole reason dear. I don't mind another baby if shes going to be anything like you. How many times have I wondered aloud that I wish time froze and you remain the baby you are so that I can cherish those precious moments a little more. Well, my wish has come true now and come July, Im going to relive everything again. Yes, its a little scary. But then I have got you now, have nt I? You are the living example that I am a good mother. So far. And I am sure you are going to be an awesome sister. Yes, you wont hear it for another twenty or so years. But you ll thank me one day when you throw a baby shower for your sister along with 60 strangers! ;)
The bestest thing about you is your acceptance. Be it a chocolate or a lollipop, going out or coming back home, saying bye to your father or to your grand parents, leaving India or Zurich, leaving a park or a play area, wearing a pant or a skirt, switching off the TV or brushing your teeth,... You just accept whatever I say. Of course, everything flies out of the window when you are sleepy or hungry and you are totally fussy about food, but then pigs don't fly! And you are nt a robot! I am realistic if not anything else. I can totally understand that you can make my life hell if you want to but you choose not to. You know how proud that makes me feel? The other day while I was in the kitchen making lunch, as always you opened one of the cup boards and started playing with the plastic bowls. And as always you asked where the small red jar was. Usually, I would say Im using it and you would want it and I would repeat that I using it and you would let go after the umpteenth time. But this time, I was totally impatient and not to mention hungry and as soon as you asked me where the small jar was, I knew what was coming and said in an angry tone, "I am using it and Im not going to give it to you Ashu. So dont pester me OK?" And you said, "Thats OK Amma. I wont ask again. You use it and give it to me later after you finish with it ok? I don't want it now". You said it in such a polite and nice tone that I was so ashamed of myself. Don't you ever do that to me again, OK? That really shows me in a bad light!
Happy Birthday my little Darling! I love you. Thanks for being who you are and especially for making me what I am today.
Happy Birthday my little Darling! I love you. Thanks for being who you are and especially for making me what I am today.
happy birthday, boo!
errr... i meant: happy birthday "Ashu"!
Very sweet letter..Happy birthday Ashu !!
Loved the story of the little red jar. Children can be so wise and sweet at times!
Happy B'day to lil Ashu. She sounds just delightful, at least the part of her that you portray on the blog. :-)
Many, many happy returns of the day to your gorgeous, mischievous, gentle, most wonderful little girl!
Granted I'm crying at the drop of a hat these days, but your letter choked me up. It's beautiful.
God bless. Have a wonderful day today - all three (and 3/4 ;-) of you.
*rushes off to get a fresh box of tissues*
Happy Birthday Dearie Ashu! Hope you are day is filled with lots of fun and the year full of happiness!!
It is such posts that make me yearn for motherhood... Someday!
Birthday wishes to the lil one!
Have a wonderful birthday Ashu. What an exciting year this will be, when your Pinochio becomes a real live baby you can play with!
And Boo, you're right - with such a gorgeous child you must've done plenty right. Congratulations to you!
Big Boo and Baby Boo :-)
Stumbled upon this blog long ago and have been an avid lurker! De-lurked to wish Ashu a very very very Happy Birthday.
Big Boo, that's an awesome letter you have written, choked me up completely :-)
Hope you guys had a fun filled birthday.
Happy Birthday Ashu!
Your daughter is adorable Boo!
Very sweet and innovative bday wish. Happy bday to Ashu :)
Happy birthday to arshu! and that was very well written!
Oh sweet sweet Ashu with the killer smile...happy 3rd birthday to you little love. You look smashing in that first picture with your eyes all crinkled and closed. God bless you with a smile for everything and the politest tone always! :))
Happy Birthday, dearest Ashu! May God bless you with all good things in life.
And Boo, Sigh! I do so long for a daughter, so much more now.. even tho' I love Sonny boy to bits.
online seemandham ellam nallapadiya aachaa?
wishing the little one a wonderful birthday from all of us here.
Hap happy birthday to you lil Ashu.
And boo, what an amazing letter - its like you've writteneverything that I've been feeling for the past 7 months - every night as I lay awake (damn the insomnia) and watch my lil baby(now to be big bhaiyya) sleep. Really touching.
Happy birthday, Ashu! Extra special one this year cos next year there will be a cranky, weepy, pooey-smelling baby to detract attention away from you and your big day!! You mark this day good, you hear?! Never mind a baby shower 30 years from now, make sure the folks throw you a decent do NOW!
Happy Birthday Dearest Ashu.
That first snap is really awesome....Kodak moment......
And Ashu has dimples is it????
Hugs & Kisses
Happy birthday Ashu. I love the letter.
Aw isnt that typically sweet and still funny letter from you? How do you do it?
A very very very warm and happy birthday to the little princess.
P.S Remember the convo we had wondering if we would ever have another child and how frightening that thought was? Now I know what changed :)
awww...such a beautiful letter...i'm all choked up...
Happy B'day Ashu and God Bless! Have a wonderful day!
p.s. loved the story of the red jar
so sweeeeeeet.....
Happy birthday Ashu !!!
awww.. this was SO touching... Happy Birthday cutie!!
That was such a lovely post..
Happy Birthday to Ashu...
Your last few lines brought a lump in my throat....
Kids can be such darlings..I know, i'm proof to 2 of them
happy birthday ashu.. god bless you sweetheart....
and boo - can anyone ever be as sweet, funny and poignant as you?
De-lurking to wish Ashu a very happy 3rd birthday!
aaaaawwww I am desperately trying to stop myself from saying how time flies. Happy Birthday Ashu
Happy Birthday Ashu, and another happy birthday to your beautiful smile and dimples :)
What a beautiful post, Boo!
(and LOL @Broom :P )
Happy Birthday Ashu!
Boo! You are the best.
This is going to have Ashu in splits when she is all grown up and reading this :)
Wishing Ashu a very happy birthday!
Many many more happy returns of the day Ashu. You have a very sweet mother and I am sure that your mom will be as excited as she is now and more what with having pinocchio to wish you too next year.
Ashu's mom: How on earth do you do this? I mean this sort of writing.
Happy bday Ashu Baby.. May you bring more joy and happiness to those who surround you.May God bless you sweety..
Boo - that is such a sweet and funny letter- in true Boo style
oo She looks so pretty in the pattu pavadai pic :)
Happy Birthday, pretty little Ashu! Wish you all the joy in the world...and then some..!
You'll make a fantastic good sis, there's no doubt whatsoever. Just make sure the Pinochio name is official, that's all ;)
What a lovely post!
Happy Happy Birthday Ashu
Happy 3rd Birthday Ashu dear! May God bless you!And a beautiful letter Boo :)
Awww....the letter is so touching...Happy Birthday, dear Ashu! You are a real sweetheart. God bless.
Happy birthday Ashu! Hope you grow up, start a blog and write stuff that's smashingly funny, cute and moving all at the same time, just like your mom does now.
I regularly read your blog..guess I have left comments too sometime back..
anyway.. My wishes to Ashu on her b'day :) That was a beautiful post :)
Happy birthday to you.....
Happy birthday to you.....
Happy birthday dear Ashu..
Happy birthday to you.
May God bless you dear....
May God bless you dear....
May God bless you dear Ashu
May God bless you.
Happy B'day Ashu!! Sure the time flew by. Just 2 more months to go when you will be the Big Sister. Enjoy your day/Week/Month!! Then time will be shared, but not the affection. Affection just doubles!
M Aunty
Aww... happy birthday, Ashu.
Happy Birthday, little girl soon to be big didi. God bless.
Happy Birthday Ashu! :)
A very happy birthday to dearest Ashu! Hope for many more fun filled days to come... and ofcourse looking forward to hearing about how you look after your little sister
happy birthday ashu..What a touching post...She is looking so good...
Aryan's Mom
Happy Birthday Ashu!!
sniff...sniff...give her the damn red jar already. I'll send you a new one. Or did the grandparents send you one already? ;)
Happy Birthday, Ashu! You make me delurk.
Happy birthday, dear Ashu.
Much love and happiness your way, little one.
Happy Birthday Ashu...:))
Happy Birthday Dear Ashu!!
Happy Birthday Ashu! That cute dimpled smile is a heart-breaker!
A very happy Birthday to you Ashu!
Last one as the little one, pretty soon you will be the know it all big sister from now on Huh!
I wish Ashu a very happy 3rd Birthday and a wonderful 1st year as a Big sis!!
I can't believe you still think we 60+ are still strangers!
Happy Birthday you cute little Ashu :)
Have a great day and even wonderful year ahead! Happy B-Day, Ashu!
Happy birthday lil Ashu!!
And that was a beautifu post Boo!Delurking to say hello..
Happy Birthday darling boo, many hugs from the brat and wheredcake?
Oops darling ashu.....LOL. Am going mad with the mails...
Belated Birthday wishes to Darling lil Ashu :)
belated happy birthday to Ashu!!
was all teary eyed by the end of it!!
heres wishing her a lifetime of happiness!! :)
you have been tagged!
Happy Birthday Ashu. May the Lord shower his choicest blessings on you today and all the year through.
Hi Boo - Bumped into your blog (Courtesy: Online Baby Shower) and manged to read all your blogs within 2 days. I kinda feel I've known you for long. Its just a feeling - I dont know why. And sure appreciate your determination to crack the code. And came to know of your sis's blog too. See how the online shower has brought many more moms closer together.
Happy Birthday Ashu!
Lovely pics Boo! Gosh they grow up fast don't they? At two, they barely parrot us and talk just enough to communicate and by 3 they turn into little people dictating terms and negotiating limits!!
How lovely - I'm sure ashu will cherish this when she can read it for herself - and isn't it terrible when our kids behave better than us?
Belated happy birthday Ashu . I loved the post . Boo reminds me of my older daughter at that age and when I was pregnant with the younger one- kind,patient ,intelligent and sensitive . I used to wonder too how she would handle the responsibility of being an older sister but she has done it and wonderfully. So dont worry she'll make a great older sister!
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