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July 18, 2008

The Mystery of the Mudichu.

I got up from the bed today morning after feeding Antu and walked to the bathroom. (You can never ever guess what I am about to say in my next sentence.) I found my pyjama strings in a clump of knots.(Mudichu in Tamil.) And of course once the brain realizes you are in the bathroom, it orders the bladder to empty NOW even though you try to send a distress signal - "May Day, May Day - We ve a Moondru Mudichu situation here!" So I try to undo the knot but they are very twisted. It looks like a sabotage to me. Not the usual tight knot situation but lots of amateurish knots. (Yes, Im an expert in the Mudichu problem.) Can a 3 week old tie knots while nursing? Not if a 3 year old resident monkey is present, right? Right. So I go to Ashus room where she and my mom are reading a book.

"Did you tie knots in my pants?"
"Yes Amma", with a proud smile.
"When did you do this?"
"Tomorrow." (She means yesterday which actually means some time ago. Can be minutes ago or days ago or even weeks ago!)

Then I see my mom giving a sheepish smile and I ask in horror, "Did you have a hand in this?" And she says that Ashu came to her with a fabric belt and kept on asking her to tie it around her waist and my mom taught her how to make a knot. So Ms. Smarty Pants, knowing that she needs practice and cant do it on herself (what if SHE needed to pee in a hurry?) decides to try it on Mommy who is sleeping like a log and would nt know even if someone "uruvufies" her pyjamas let alone tie knots on the strings!! Anyway, while solving the mystery, I was still trying to undo the knot. To prove that Mr.Murphy is right, I had trimmed my finger nails the previous day and could nt undo them easily. Then Hd came to rescue and with his teeth and my short nails we managed to undo them after a while. (But it was a sight to watch. Hd going for my naadas with his teeth! ;)

And that is why, my dear ladies and gentlemen, life with kids is so interesting. Even in your wildest imagination, you cant come up with a situation like this. Can you? If not for the resident monkey, this post would have been - "I got up. I peed." And now who would want to read that? Hey, but you just did! :)


~nm said...

Hahahaha!! I just cannot help laughing imagining your hubby trying to open it up with his teeth and you with fingers!!

How I wish Ashu had gone ahead and clicked a pic of you like that!

Okay okay!! Before you start bashing me let me shut my mouth and say some sympathetic words for you! :D

Anonymous said...

wow! how romantic it would have been..hubby trying to open the knot with teeth. Seems like a good idea. May be I can try that sometime :) though ,I am sure, hubby would run for a pair of scissors to cut it off, rather than patiently untie it...
The post was quite funny :)

Maggie said...

LMAO! You're one of a kind, Boo!

Anonymous said...

"Mommy who is sleeping like a log and would nt know even if someone "uruvufies" her pyjamas let alone tie knots on the strings"


Antu has a good role model, me thinks. Good luck with that! :-)

Anonymous said...

Naan indha pakkam varavee illai. Athuvum sila varigalai padikaveee illai ;)

Anonymous said...

Or the title could read "how to get some coochie coo time with hubby after two kids" and u cud have proceeded to spin in the unraveling-with-teeth story in it.

i know you are going to kill me for this but i cannot help it - you and peeing are like a recurring theme combo eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

I have tears in my eyes. I chocked on my water and I know who to blame for it :))))

Time and again she proves that she can write damn good. I bow low to thee.

I thought it was HD's munthanai mudichu that got up in this fix.

Its our space said...

Im reminded of moonu mudi poduvadhu edharku from that mostly unintelligible" Yaaro yaarodi" from alaipayuthey ..Andha 3 mudichukkum indha pyjama mudichukkum ipdi mudichu potta Boo avargalukku ellarum oru O podunga .

You rock,woman !

Savani said...

hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I am laughing soooo hard. What did ashu and your mom think while Hd went for your knots ;-)

B o o said...

~nm - No sympathy needed. Go ahead and LOL as everyone seem to be doing. Who cares about a woman whos in a hurry to use the bathroom anyway? Hmpf!

Aargee - Romantic? Are people forgetting I just had a baby like 3 weeks ago? Why do you think it took three whole years for the second baby?? *wink wink*

Maggie - What can I say? These things seem to be happen to me only!

Priya - Well, its true!! And seeing Antu these days, I think she ll teach Ashu a thing or two herself! *horrified*

Dubukku - Naanum unga comment a paakave illai. Happy?

DG - You ll NEVER let me forget the peeing incident, will ya? And what coochie coo? We are done!

Utbt - Thank you, thank you. Now I think about it, I did nt suspect Hd even for a second. What does that say about our "romance"!!! ;)

Mias Mom - Like Mottai thalai and mozhangaal, you mean?? :D And Thanks mucho!

Dottie - The partners in crime did nt witness the scene. They were busy cooking up another sheme, I guess! ;)

Anonymous said...

hehehehh, do congratulate Ashu on her cleverness on our behalf!

Reva said...

How do u write like this? I mean.. seriously, how do u do it? I cannot look weird in office and so am maintaining my composure.

moonu vayasulaye Ashu has understood the moonu mudichu :) brilliant!!

HD 'enakku mudichu poda than theriyum' nu solli irukkanum! he he..


Manjari said...

Ashu plans well ;-) for her next baby sis/bro hihi...

Shobana said...

You had the perfect Tamil movie kind of pre-romance/duet situation going on...Hd thadaving your tummy and then fireworks exploding and all that...did it happen?

SD said...

Oh! So cute. Its amazing how fast these kids pick up things, seems like they were just born and suddenly they are upto such 'grown-up' antics!!

Anonymous said...

Woman, only you can write such rolling-with-laughter posts from a simple mudichu. I wouldn't be surprised even if the 3 week old from the Boo family manages to tie the knots!
okay, now I need to stop laughing like a maniac and gather myself up from the floor.

Anusha said...

ROFL! yes, life with kids is interesting, even more so when Boo describes it :)
impressed at Ashu's mudichu skills!

Anonymous said...

Man.. you are too good thanks to your kids!!

Anonymous said...

wow... ore gilugiluppa irukkae... moondru mudichu- moonu vaaram - next enna moonaavadhaa?!!!

WhatsInAName said...

How much time did you say it took to demudichify? If you were able to control yourself, Bravo indeed :P

Trishna said...

hahahhahahhahahaa!!! sigh..Hahahahahhaa!!
This was funny!!

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

LOL and the comments are hilarious too!

dipali said...

Poor you,Boo. Now please may I laugh my head off?

Priyanka said...

LOL, very funny post

Hema said...

ha ha ha ha ha ....i haven't laughed like this in days .you have a unique way of writing ....and this after 3 weeks of delivering ..i didn't even know whether it was day or night when i delivered mine.ok i have to stop laughing now ...becos HD and daughter are looking at me like "what is wrong with her?"wish you a speedy recovery with less mudichu!!!

Mystic Margarita said...

ROTFL! This is hilarious, Boo! :)

Aditi's Album said...

Your post made such interesting reading. U sure have a unique style that only and only YOU can do it. Hilarious post, even lovely comments. How's little Antu doing?

Terri the terrific said...

boo, you gave birth only three weeks ago, right? Please remember to keep husband away from you for six weeks. Or does that rule not apply in Switzerland?

Anonymous said...

LOL and really ROFL ing. :~D

Mama - Mia said...


she has every right to be rpoud!! a new skill learnt!! :p

i had heard using teeth to undo stuff is a very handsfree and new approach to foreplay!

but this!!! ;)



BangaloreMom said...

LOL Boo!!

By Deepa and Supriya said...

congrats boo! on antu's arrival....catching up after my vacation..will read more now :0

Spontaneous Mini said...

You are so funny. Each time you out do yourself yet again. I gather you are having an extra exciting time with Ashu and her new apprentice sis Antu.
Probably, even more excitment awaits you and us in the process ;-))

Anonymous said...

oh well boo, did it not occur to you to cut off the naada? I've had to do it numerous times. ..difficult to remove mudichus and urgent wee wee situation and i've just gone for the scissors and 'snip'. trust you to come up with a blog story and to mention your husband actually removed it with his teeth!ugh!

Itchingtowrite said...

ha ha...
the anon blog reader is so "J"

the mad momma said...

LOL! Good one Boo. See - no sooner do you have two on your hands, your trouble mysteriously multiplies.

@ justanotherblogreader: yeah - just imagine. it didnt occur to her to cut it and it didnt occur to you to just shut the window if the post offended you. its a strange world out there and much that happens is beyond your ken. trust me, opening nadas with teeth is the least of them!

Anonymous said...

*comes with a straight face*

Paavam Boo..who are all these people laughing at your situ..lemme go and deal with 'em..

@just another blogreader : child, instead of ugghing at Boo, maybe u shud go and get some?

Sorry Boo..unnecc cattiness gets to me.

Anonymous said...

Boo's got a troll,
Boo's got a troll,
la la la,
la la la!

Sue said...


OK, I picked myself up again. Oh lord, Boo... Hd's gonna kill you when he reads this. Has he read it?

Do you realise, "Boob's Baby Talk" author, that Just another blogereader is quite, quite convinced that it wasn't just the naada Hd was playing around with.

*falls down laughing yet another time*

Pliss do another story on Hd's reaction to this post and its comments?

bird's eye view said...

Boo - that was hilarious. Woulda laughed more but same thing happened ( i.e. mudichu sitn) in office yesterday - no A and sharp teeth, and of course with my preggers belly, no chance I could reach the naada with my own teeth...

Usha said...

hahaha. hilarious. But it is the worst torture when you notice it in the last minute. I have cut many a nada at this time, usually have a pair of scissors handy for this.
Ashu is getting to be naughty huh? no poor thing doesn't know the after effects of her mudichu - teach her to beware of any mudichu. They are complic`ated and have consequences. :)

baby growth
