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February 26, 2008

We are a H.A.P.P.Y. family!

I am in the U S of A. At my sisters. With Sis & Bil. With Mom & Dad. With Hubby & Ashu. Needless to say, we are having a blast. Ashu and I left Zurich on Friday and landed here without any glitch. (Did nt get the checked in Car Seat. But thankfully the airlines loaned us one.) Mom and Dad were mighty upset that Hd did nt come with us for the family reunion. They did nt know that he was arriving the next day. So when he landed on Sat night, there was lots of screaming and shouting. Sunday was our parents anniversary and we had a small bash. Utbt and family arrived with the Guava cake I have heard so much about since Chulas birthday and drooling. (Every bite was heavenly!) But the real reason for this sudden reunion plans is not until the first of March. My Sister and Bils 10th wedding anniversary. More details later! ;)

I have nt seen Ashu since we arrived. Shes the happiest since we left India in September. As if the doting grand parents are nt enough, she has the combined attention of my Sis and Bil as well. So shes ecstatic. The choicest restaurants in Bay area along with my moms cooking - Hds idea of heaven! And Im with my family. Need I say more? :)
For another six weeks, all the photos courtesy of my Bil and his camera. And here I am compelled to add that Hd forgot the one thing I asked him to bring with him. MY CAMERA. If I was nt so happy, I would have murdered him.


By Deepa and Supriya said...

kewl!!...and you do know that you are the object of my envy, right??
haven't seen my family in 2 yrs now :(...have fun girl!

Daisy said...

YOU ARE IN THE BAY AREA? bay area? I live here (there?), maybe I'll bump into you at livermore or Thirupathi Bheemas or Saravanas..and I'll see Ashu and recognize her and we can talk :)

Savani said...

make a trip to the east coast woman.

Timepass said...

Belated anniversary wishes to ur sister and parents.. I guess half this year u have been on vacation.. hope this rubs on to all of us too!!!

Anonymous said...

wow!! thats great boo! wish u great time with ur parents and sisters family. Cant wait to hear ashus antics from bay area

Tharini said...

YOu are one lucky woman. I am trying my utmost to say this without any envy....(not working!)...! Have fun. :)

Anonymous said...

have loads of fun with everyone... waiting to have a family reunion like this... been a while

Just Like That said...

Wow! WHat FUN! Nothing like family to hold the family together.
Happy anniversary to your parents and advance HA to your sis and bil.

Shammi said...

You can wish me a happy birthday when you wish your sister and BIL a happy anniversary :) Happy anniversary to them!

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

You lucky bum. (*stalks off in jealousy*)

Anonymous said...

i am J E A L O U S # $ @ % @

yeah, ok, have fun :D

Chitra said...

Wow thats lovely. Have loads of fun Boo

Its our space said...

Ashu's face says it all :) I 'm sure we will spot you somewhere here ..the local library may be :) ?

Have fun !

Anusha said...

you really do weekend hop, don't you! was going to ask when your US trip was (after reading abt it on your sis' blog) but here I have my answer. and I presume you won't call this time either? thought so :)

Anonymous said...

ohhhh...lucky gurl u...have tons of fun!!!

Preethi said...

wow ... sounds like you are having good fun.. have a blast!!

Anonymous said...

Ur sister blogs too???? What is the URL? Is Ashu telling stories to ur sister and grand parents too?

Neera said...

Have fun!! What I would do to be in ur shoes right now!

mayG said...

wow... enjoy the reunion!

Maggie said...

Wow. Wow. WOW!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing like a reunion !!, it is absolutely wonderful to see all get along so well :) !!

Sue said...

I just came back froma great trip to my folks, so I can with a clear conscience and not the faintest touch of envy say, "Yenjoy!"

(Well, my folks live in TN, so...)

Subhashree said...

Oh wow! Have a great time:)

Spontaneous Mini said...
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Spontaneous Mini said...

Heyyy Boo,
You are in the Bay area. I live in the South Bay. Hope to bang into you during your visit here. BTW can you plz plz name the Bakery with the guava cake?? I miss the guava jelly and the Real Guava juice(though Dole is good too!).
Now there is a Guava cake!! Do let me know.

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

Family Union ... lucky girl! Have fun.
Pls do let me know if the Guava bakery you are talking about is Aki's bakery ... have heard mixed reviews about this bakery and have not tried yet.

noon said...

Wow - sounds sooo good...nothing like being with family celebrating anniversaries or birthdays...Have a great time!

Rohini said...

Have a great holiday... coming around after a long time, so congrats on the license...

Anonymous said...

Boo - It has been quite some time since I dropped in - I've been out of touch with the blog world for a long time. I plead guilty of not having read any of your posts even during this visit. :(

This is to just give you advance (?) wishes on your Pirantha Naal. :)

Have a blast with Ashu and HD; and a great year ahead.

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