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February 04, 2008
Deep Sea.
I totally missed doing a post on Ashus first something in the excitement of getting my driving license. (Btw, my Swiss license all proper with a decent looking photo of mine came by post and I also got back my Indian driving license, so yippee! ) So 2 weeks back, on a last minute impulse we decided to drive to Lucerne to gorge on some idlies and dosas in a South Indian restaurant there and also take Ashu by the beautiful lake and the picturesque wooden bridge. But it got too cold so after walking for a little while, we decided to catch a movie in the Imax theatre. I always wanted to take Ashu to the cinemas and see how she reacts the first time. Imax seemed to be the right choice and off we went. "Deep Sea" was the current running movie and it was only 40 minutes long, ideal for Ashus attention span. But only when we got there, it occured to us that the commentary will be in German. But I was ok with it. Anyway, Ashu is not going to follow the commentary. But Hd decided to wait in the cafe pretending that he had to make a call. Yeah right! The man is stingy enought to save 16 Francs. But me, I would nt trade Ashus first experience at the movies for anything! So off went mom and daughter to the dark interiors. Ashu was all puzzled at the environment and sat beside me in a chair wondering what was going on. Then the screen lit and the dolby effect kicked in. The lady at the ticker counter had warned me that they don't recommend children under 5 to watch as it is too loud for kids. I thought about the times infants and toddlers watched "Virumaandi" when we lived in Basel and the family of six with 2 boys at the age of 5 and 2 who were at the late night show of "Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu" in Bangalore. I dont mind, I told the lady smugly!
We watched a few trailers and when there was an avalanche of snow falling down, Ashu held my hands tightly. Then the movie started and the ocean animals arrived one by one and except for one scene when a shark suddenly swallowed a fish and gave Ashu a scare, the rest of it was quite slow. Ashu kept saying "Crab, Octopus, Shark,..." and was enjoying the movie. But after about 30 minutes, she turned around with her back to the screen and started watching the little girl who was sitting at the back with her dad. As if to say, "I have watched better stuff on TV"! I don't blame her! Thank God, it was only for 40 minutes. We both came out after the movie ended to find Hd sipping Cappuccino. Ashu excitedly told him all the fish she saw and how the Octopus ate a crab, "crunch crunch nu"! All in all, a nice experience. May be I ll wait for her to be old enough to take her to some animated movie next time. Hd can have his coffee at home that time!

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glad ashu had such a great time. and you know what sucks? i've never been to imax :/
First time we took Pratik to the movies was when he was a year and a half. We were bored of not seeing the inside of a proper cinema hall in so long and picked a Pixar animated film out of sheer desperation. It was Finding Nemo and remains a firm favourite. He surprised us by watching it from start to finish. Since then, Pixar rules totally in my house! But he is a wimp when it comes to Indian dishoom-dishoom flicks. Hid under the couch when we put Bheema thiruttu CD on the player. sigh.
That is sooo cool. Here Iam thinking that Chula has never been to a theater and only then it struck me, she has!!! Chula saw Junglebook, her first movie as a part of her school field trip. Alll primary and elementary students were packed off in 2-3 buses and watched the movie in a college auditorium. I have no idea how she felt. She must have liked it though, she kept talking about Mowgli, Santhi, Kaa, Balu.....
May b u can get her a couple of DVDs of Pixar animated films and play them at home, she'll get used to it and may show more interest when u take her to the big screen.
BTW all u need to do to get the search box back in ur blog is copy the code frm "Edit HTML" (frm the previous default template) and paste it above the new template frm final sense...takes a little time though.
Tagged re boo.
Could totally imagine the Virumandi and Vettayaadu Vilayaadu parts! How parents can be such absolute nerds I cant imagine!
Cool Ashu! Loved the face turning part!
congrats on the driving license. y're mobile now!!!
wow.. glad Ashu had a good time.. I took Nantu to the theater a few months back to watch Shivaji.. the movie was too long for starters.. as soon as they turned the lights off, Nantu started fidgeting.. and then rolling on the pathway claiming he was driving his toy cars. He had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes, and was fed popcorn and cotton candy and lemonade at frequent intervals. I have decided never to go to a movie with Nantu again :)
Very good that Ashu enjoyed her first movie. The brat gets scared at fight scenes in movies and starts crying. He'd refuse to watch cartoons where the characters get into a fight. He cries if I take him into dark places. I think it is going to be sometime before he watches movies :)
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