Ever since Shruti announced the "Paint your Van Gogh" theme for Artsy-craftsy challenge in her blog, I have been asking (OK, nagging!) Ashu to come up with something. I knew this was something she would enjoy. Ashu was thrilled with the idea of drawing something famous. We have a few books bought in museums which has loads of prints by famous painters and Ashu went through it and selected two.
And then we totally forgot about them. Until today. I reminded Ashu that tomorrow was the last day for submission and if she wanted to try a new one or can I send the other two to the competition anyway. She thought for a while and said "I like Van Gogh, Amma! I ll try something by him!" The trip to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam paid off or what?!!! While I was asking if she wanted to draw Sunflowers, she reminded me that theres a Van Gogh print hanging in the kids bedroom wall! The Almond Blossoms! We saw the original in Amsterdam and she selected that particular print in the souvenir shop even though I wanted the Sunflowers. I think the fact that Van Gogh painted it for a baby (his nephew) stayed with her. To cut the long story short, the painting was brought down from the wall and Ashu spent all afternoon trying to recreate it on a paper with a pencil, brown and blue crayons and a pink pen. Ta-da!
No 1. was Paul Gauguin's "Still life with three puppies". Picture below.
No 2. was Henri Matisse's "Goldfish".
But the artist was nt very happy with her (copied) works and told me not to take photos of it! (So I took the photos after she left for school!! What? She ll thank me one day!)
Shruti - So heres the final entry and thanks for giving us a lovely afternoon together. Heres to many more Artsy-Craftsies! :)
That is awesome! I'd totally buy that painting.
She's got talent.
Cool!! Way to go Artist Ashu!
That's a lovely painting! Ashu's really talented! What, no entries by Antu?
wow really good work! Last one is definitely the best ... Finally I see how to connect Daya's daycare art classes to real life toddler work! When the daycare emails say things like this week Henry Rousseau's Sleeping Gypsy I was usually "ehn? what is he learning? sounds hi-fi ... but then ..." because I myself had to google everytime! :) ... I hope in a year or two we will be there to see some art in production too! :) ... Ashu and Antu look lovely enjoying working with art ... and those awesome creative games _/\_ to that! In my house parents cant live without TV!!! :))) ...
Reading your blog since I became a preggie 2 years ago. I have a toddler now. I must say thats an awesome painting.
Thanks everyone!
Awesome, Boo- simply awesome!
Totally Rocking dudes!
My Kid hates to draw
Amazing talent.Came across your blog when I typed indian mommie blogs and was glad to find so many .Thanks a lot.i am new to blogging and would love to join you all.i am a mother of two sweet little angels.
Amazing talent.Came across your blog when I typed indian mommie blogs and was glad to find so many .Thanks a lot.i am new to blogging and would love to join you all.i am a mother of two sweet little angels.
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