Yes, my baby girl is just one month short of the Big Three.
And the biggest update is of course that shes going to be a big sister very soon. To another baby girl. YES, we found out that its a GIRL yesterday when I had an ultrasound done here. My sister had accompanied me for the ultrasound and we both were grinning like idiots when the Dr said its a girl. It was a very, very special moment to share with my sister.
Ashu is in denial that Pinocchio is a girl. When I asked her to pick a girl name for the baby, she said "I thought its a boy amma. I cant choose a girl name. Lets call the baby Pinocchio only". (Naan Boy nu ninaichunten. Ennaala girl name solla mudiyalai. Pinocchio ne koopidalaam) She said it in a very sad and disappointed tone. Just you wait, Ashu! Sisters rule! :)
As always, shes the happiest when we shes amidst her grand parents, aunt and uncle. My mom takes care of the food department. My dad tells her stories, takes her out for walks and gardening. Pema and Pepa do everything in between. The other day my sister was asking her how much she likes all of us. And out of the blue, Ashu started rating us. She gave 11 for Pepa and Paati. 10 for Hd and me. 5 for Pema, Thatha and Pinocchio. Oh, 5 for her brand new doll "Santhu". (A gift from Chula!)
Yesterday, she found my Bils tripod standing in a corner and started taking imaginary photos with it. She would say 1,2,3,4 and make a click sound and press a circular button in the tripod. She asked my dad to model for her and gave him loads of instructions. Sit, stand, lie down on this towel, ... Then she brought an empty cup and said shes going to throw water on his head. "It will look beautiful, Thatha" was her explanation. So my dad pretended that he was cold and asked her to take the picture fast as the camera was rolling. "I have put the camera in pause", came the reply. From then on, my dad just shut up and listened to her!
One minute, shes sharing toys and playing peacefully with other kids, the next minute shes fighting over a toy and screaming her lungs out. Its really getting on my nerves. But then, I cant do much other than distracting her and solving the problem temporarily. How much ever I lecture her, the minute shes sleepy or hungry, she throws the worst tantrums. Chula is both her best friend and worst enemy. Shes all buddy buddy one minute and the next, she does nt want to give her a hug. We all had gone to the Childrens Discovery museum the other day. Ashu had fun. But towards the end, the museum had a new temporary entertainment for a few minutes when Ashu and Chula were wrestling on the floor fighting for the same block even though there were hundreds of identical blocks there!! Nevertheless, its great to see them bond. My mom and Utbts mom went to school together in a small town. My Sis and Utbt went to college together. My Bil and Utbts husband were colleagues for a while. I am of course the (not so)little sister Utbt never had. (Are nt I, dear?:) And now, Chula and Ashu. Wow, that makes me feel so.... OLD!
I have always wondered how mothers can be so blind when it came to their kids. How can they let their kids treat them badly and still love them? How it seems as if the kids can never hurt them? How they can still love their kids the same irrespective of everything they do? (And its all based on how badly I treat my own mother.) And I have got my answer. Ashu says stuff like "You go Amma. Im playing with Thatha." "You go to Zurich Amma. I ll be in the US with Pema." "You go away Amma, I ll go to India with Paati." And it does nt hurt one bit as I thought it would. And then suddenly, she comes running out of a room calling "Amma, Amma" and gives me a hug. Then runs back to the room to continue playing. Its such a wonderful feeling to be loved like that. So pure. So "in the moment". I ll always remember the twos as the "terrific twos" just for moments as precious as these. Hit me with the Three, Girl. I'm all yours! :)
LOL at Pinocchio! Just before my sibling was born, I had taken liking to a name and was persistent that the baby be named so. The gender was my last worry! :D
i've always wondered about that too, how moms can go on loving us no matter how bad we treat them.. and i love that last picture of ashu! the photography incident was hilarious too. so what's planned for the third birthday?
Don't worry abt Pinocchio. My friend's kid had decided that XX would be the name of her baby sister but it turned out to be a baby brother and the elder one kept calling him XX for some time..As u said, sisters rock!!Take care
Cute post. Ashu, don't worry about the baby being a girl. You gonna have loads of fun and sharing when you both grow up. Sisters rule, like your mom said!
>>I am of course the (not so)little sister Utbt never had. (Are nt I, dear?:)
YES. I have always assumed that role :)
I am sooo glad Ashu and Chula are spending some time together. So whats preventing you from moving here? We give amazing peviews of Bay Area social life every year and you still not convinced huh?
Yay ! Yay !! Yay!!!!!! That sounds wonderful. Am so happy that you are excited about it. So Moppet's having a baby bro, Ashu is having a baby sis. Kodi, what about you - you don't know or you aren't telling which one is it ?
Ashu sounds and looks adorable as always. I think you should name this baby Pinnochio for now, how does the baby know that it's not a girl's name?? :) Keep Ashu happy :)
Congrats Boo for the second girl!! - just like you wanted. A wonderful update and I loved the way you described Chula and Ashu bonding one instant and fighting the other. Very nice post!
Congrats Boo for the second girl!! - just like you wanted. A wonderful update and I loved the way you described Chula and Ashu bonding one instant and fighting the other. Very nice post!
Three -o, ashu turning three, new baby!!?!?! I am not so sure I have been away from the blog scene for only a much action at the boo household, my! my! you have been busy
welcome to the 3-0 club boo and congrats to all of u on li'l pinnochio
Oh Boo, I dropped by after so long and see what I missed...many many congratulations, and what a lovely big lady Ashu has become. And I know exactly what you mean about getting away with badbehaviour towards parents. I used to be quite a meany mouth towards my mother. But all that changed when I had brat, and now I will cut my tongue off before I say anything rude to her. In revenge, I think, brat is insufferable towards me, because he knows I am always around. You go office mamma. I dont want you.
Yayyyyyyyyyy another girl!! I think 2 girls is perfect! Wow Ashu is going to be 3 so soon! I feel like I just started reading your blog! :) What are your party plans?
LOL at Pinocchio! Just before my sibling was born, I had taken liking to a name and was persistent that the baby be named so. The gender was my last worry! :D
Pinochio huh? :)
god bless the child...
u knw wat? ma ofcial name is TESS and i still find ppl who think am a guy after hearing ma name :(
2 years and 11 months... 3 years old in a month...
cool! ashu... u r gonna be a BIG GIRL :-)
i've always wondered about that too, how moms can go on loving us no matter how bad we treat them..
and i love that last picture of ashu! the photography incident was hilarious too.
so what's planned for the third birthday?
Don't worry abt Pinocchio. My friend's kid had decided that XX would be the name of her baby sister but it turned out to be a baby brother and the elder one kept calling him XX for some time..As u said, sisters rock!!Take care
Cute post. Ashu, don't worry about the baby being a girl. You gonna have loads of fun and sharing when you both grow up. Sisters rule, like your mom said!
What's the plan for Ashu's birthday?
>>I am of course the (not so)little sister Utbt never had. (Are nt I, dear?:)
YES. I have always assumed that role :)
I am sooo glad Ashu and Chula are spending some time together. So whats preventing you from moving here? We give amazing peviews of Bay Area social life every year and you still not convinced huh?
yyyeaaay for a girl!! Two girls is awesome. I'm all for same sex siblings!
And very cute update. And it is amazing isn't it? When we are so thick skinned abt all the ways in which we sometimes get rejected by them!
I hope it stays that way for all time. :D
And kids seem to know more about living life the right way! Hope Ashu always stays like this :)
lovely, lovely post. Congrats on et another girl. Pinnochio sounds like a lovely name even for a girl. I am all with Ashu here:)
another girl! yeaay!!!
so to borrow Poppins' line, what rhymes with Ashu? :)
the things Ashu says and does sound so grown and yes, dear Boo, that does make you old. ;)
cool, another gal.. Lucky U & Hd.
Congrats that it is a girl.
Congrats! I am sure Ashu will turn around, once the baby is here.
Great time to be in Bay area now, its great weather. Make the move, girl! :)
Sisters! Yay! I'm sure Ashu will quickly come round to loving her little sis.
I am so happy it is a girl. As I said earlier, I like same sex siblings :)
oh a baby ashu :) very cool!!
as for the grandma-grandpa thing - dont get me started. i'm quite annoyed at having to accept second place in the kids' lives.
hey... chk out ma new venture
congrats, boo! we are two sisters and i know how much fun it is even after marriage and kids :) (with no meanie manni to spoil the fun ;))
Congrats Boo! Two girls - what joy!
Really true - precious moments - despite the terrible/terrific twos! :)
Hi Boo,
Check out my new photoblog!
Yay ! Yay !! Yay!!!!!! That sounds wonderful. Am so happy that you are excited about it. So Moppet's having a baby bro, Ashu is having a baby sis. Kodi, what about you - you don't know or you aren't telling which one is it ?
Ashu sounds and looks adorable as always. I think you should name this baby Pinnochio for now, how does the baby know that it's not a girl's name?? :) Keep Ashu happy :)
Congrats Boo for the second girl!! - just like you wanted. A wonderful update and I loved the way you described Chula and Ashu bonding one instant and fighting the other. Very nice post!
Congrats Boo for the second girl!! - just like you wanted. A wonderful update and I loved the way you described Chula and Ashu bonding one instant and fighting the other. Very nice post!
You've got a charmer for a daughter!
Congrats for the second girl..It is fun to have sisters than brothers...
she is such a cutie.. isnt she? are you still vacationing??
Three -o, ashu turning three, new baby!!?!?! I am not so sure I have been away from the blog scene for only a much action at the boo household, my! my! you have been busy
welcome to the 3-0 club boo and congrats to all of u on li'l pinnochio
Oh Boo, I dropped by after so long and see what I missed...many many congratulations, and what a lovely big lady Ashu has become. And I know exactly what you mean about getting away with badbehaviour towards parents. I used to be quite a meany mouth towards my mother. But all that changed when I had brat, and now I will cut my tongue off before I say anything rude to her. In revenge, I think, brat is insufferable towards me, because he knows I am always around. You go office mamma. I dont want you.
Yayyyyyyyyyy another girl!! I think 2 girls is perfect!
Wow Ashu is going to be 3 so soon! I feel like I just started reading your blog! :)
What are your party plans?
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